Brackets Text Editor - "Go to anything" feature like Sublime Text


I love Sublime Text and I'm playing with Brackets editor for a change. One of the features I like most in ST is the "Go to anything" (CTRL+P).

Is there something like that in Brackets?


Posted 2015-10-21T13:07:37.660

Reputation: 205



Brackets v1.6 + Brackets Commands Quick Search is the closest to SublimeText's "Go to anything".

Install extension and then CTRL + SHIFT + O (Menu -> Navigate -> Quick Open). Only difference is that Bracket doesn't show unsaved files (tabs).

Note: "Go to anything" in Sublime Text meaning = go to any file in project / opened tabs (ie. unsaved files / drafts)

Michal Bernhard

Posted 2015-10-21T13:07:37.660

Reputation: 210