Office 2013 doesn't recognize Windows 10 native Mail app


I can't make Office 2013 programs send anything via Windows 10 native mail app, it tells me to use outlook instead, but I don't want to use outlook, so I even uninstalled it. Now Office tells me there's no program to handel the MAPI protocol, what does it mean? Doesn't the native mail app work with that protocol?


Posted 2015-10-19T18:19:47.467

Reputation: 15

Windows 10 Mail application is not part of Office so your question isn't clear. – Ramhound – 2015-10-19T19:11:00.237



It means what it says. Windows 10 Mail App doesn't support MAPI protocol. The only mail client available for Windows that supports this protocol is the Microsoft Office Outlook.


Posted 2015-10-19T18:19:47.467

Reputation: 8 081

thanks, I already reported the missing of that feature to Microsoft, I hope they add it so there can be more interoperability between their own programs, even if they are from different suites (office and windows native) – eduardoimm – 2015-10-21T14:02:09.627