So my Toshiba (L50-B) laptop came with a terrible TN screen, model LTN156AT35-T01. I could only find One IPS screen that seems to be an easy swap, the LP156WHA-SLA2. Both have same resolution, connector (LVDS), both are 1 ch 6 bit. Now, I got the specs off Panelook, you can go there and see the Overview or the entire Specs for the each panel.
Would the IPS screen work in my laptop? And I'm asking electrically, because I know the mounting is a little different, that's not important I'll find a way to make it fit. Are there any major signal differences that I obviously don't know about?
One thing though: The specs for the TN are not from it's original PDF datasheet - as Panelook states right at the end, so I'm not sure how valid are those numbers in the first place.