Eclipse Mars slows down Windows 7 interface


On a two pretty modern PCs I recently started to experience a strange problem. When I run Eclipse Mars, the Windows 7 GUI suddenly slows down, i.e. scrolling in Chrome, dragging the windows etc. I'd say everything related to hardware video-acceleration.

System Monitor tells that both CPU and GPU usage is 2-5%, no matter of eclipse window state. Memory, disk, etc. is fine too.

The problem disappears when I minimize the eclipse window or turn off Windows Aero. GPU and CPU usage remain the same, but the Windows GUI performance goes back to normal.

Are there any switches in Eclipse to overcome this problem? Perhaps to disable GPU-acceleration in SWT?


Posted 2015-10-08T07:21:29.457

Reputation: 111 suggests to reduce the eclipse priority - seems has little effect – ike3 – 2015-10-08T07:44:24.803

It seems eclipse uses 3D application settings (gaming-related) from ATI Catalyst. I've created a profile for eclipse.exe and turned everything to the lowest settings and seems it helped a bit. – ike3 – 2015-10-08T08:00:29.530

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