Google chrome consumes 100% CPU for nearly a minute


I have disabled hardware acceleration in my chrome://settings. I have also visited chrome://flags and disabled every one of the flags listed in this post.

I restarted the system (and not just the browser), fired up chrome and here is the CPU usage graph shown in Windows Task Manager:

enter image description here

1 square (X-axis) = 5 seconds

The system was not connected to the internet when opening chrome. I only had 2 tabs restored in the window from last browsing session. I have only three browser extensions enabled at the moment:

  • HTTPS Everywhere 2015.8.13
  • ScriptSafe
  • ModHeader 2.0.5

What could be causing this much CPU usage, for such a large amount of time? As can be seen from the graph above, the CPU (including kernel times) stays at a constant 100% usage for at least 40 seconds.

After the usage drops down, it stays there for almost entire session, never going beyond 5%.


Chrome does not allow me to access Chrome Task Manager unless it has finished consuming CPU entirely. After the process is finished, I noticed only the 5 processes enlisted above (2 tabs and 3 plug-ins/extensions).

The page chrome://plugins lists the following active plugins:

  • Widevine Content Decryption Module - Version:
  • Chrome PDF Viewer (2 files)
  • Native Client
  • Adobe Flash Player - Version:

In Windows Task Manager's processes list, I see that chrome distributes the CPU usage evenly to all chrome.exe processes listed there. Thus, each of them has about 10-12% of CPU assigned to them.


System hardware:

  • Asus M5A97 Board
  • AMD FX-8320 Processor
  • 2x4GB DDR3 1800 MHz RAM
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPU
  • Samsung 840 EVO 120 GB SSD

The event trace log file can be downloaded from here.


Posted 2015-10-03T09:28:50.407

Reputation: 588

Post your PC's hardware please. – Moab – 2015-10-03T13:59:16.520

@Moab added the details above – hjpotter92 – 2015-10-03T14:23:35.723


In Chrome activate chrome://flags/#trace-export-events-to-etw and run to capture a xperf trace of the CPU usage. Zip and share the trace.

– magicandre1981 – 2015-10-03T15:50:46.587

@magicandre1981 There is no flag regarding trace-export-events-to-etw. I'm downloading the package and will share the trace once done, if it is not dependent on the flag – hjpotter92 – 2015-10-03T17:13:42.140

this flag seams to requires Chrome 46. I see it in my 46.0.2490.52. – magicandre1981 – 2015-10-04T06:08:36.243


only run this xperf command (the Win8.1 WPT also works in Win7, but not the Win10 WPT!!!) before you start chrome: after chrome is open and the CPU usage is gone, press a key to stop it.

– magicandre1981 – 2015-10-05T04:22:49.883

@magicandre1981 I've generated the trace file. It is around 400 MB in size (40 when compressed with LZMA) It'd still take some time for me to upload. – hjpotter92 – 2015-10-05T08:25:42.903

@magicandre1981 Here is the trace file:

– hjpotter92 – 2015-10-05T09:13:42.027

ok, the CPU usage comes from reading registry values. To also capture registry data, run this command: xperf -on PROC_THREAD+LOADER+REGISTRY+PROFILE -stackwalk Profile+RegQueryKey+RegEnumerateKey+RegEnumerateValueKey+RegDeleteKey+RegCreateKey+RegOpenKey+RegSetValue+RegDeleteValue+RegQueryValue+RegQueryMultipleValue+RegSetInformation+RegFlush+RegKcbCreate+RegKcbDelete+RegVirtualize+RegCloseKey -BufferSize 2048 -MaxFile 2048 -FileMode Circular && timeout -1 && xperf -d C:\HighCPUUsageWithRegistry.etl and share the new file – magicandre1981 – 2015-10-05T16:09:24.563

@magicandre1981 All of a sudden, I rebooted the system 3-4 hours ago and now the CPU utilisation did not exceed 20%. The bootup was quick as well. I'll go through the trace file too and see what I can infer. – hjpotter92 – 2015-10-05T16:35:38.067



  1. Have you tried Chrome Task Manager shift+esc? It will show you the tabs and extension that are active and taking that much of CPU usage.

  2. Determine if you have any plugins installed.

  3. Clear the Chrome browser cache.

  4. Try "The Great Suspender" from Chrome web store.


Posted 2015-10-03T09:28:50.407

Reputation: 274

Sorry, I should have mentioned "Chrome does not allow me to access Chrome Task Manager unless it has finished consuming CPU entirely." Edited the question above as well. – hjpotter92 – 2015-10-03T09:51:22.407

have you tried other method ?? – BrotskyTv – 2015-10-03T09:52:28.773

I've listed the enabled plugins in the question above. I have tried restarting the browser after clearing caches. There was no effect whatsoever. In the Windows Task Manager, I see that chrome distributes CPU evenly to all the chrome.exe processes listed. I still have yet to try the great suspender app/extension though. – hjpotter92 – 2015-10-03T09:59:26.217