Does there exist a simple Load Balancer app for development on Windows? I am running a pair of JBoss 5.x instances in a cluster on a single machine. Normally , this configuration is load balanced by a nice hardware load balancer but I am wondering if there is a simple piece of software to enable load balancing in my Eclipse dev environment.
Basically, for example, I want a load balancer running on port 11111 that round-robins between the 2 clustered JBoss instances on ssl ports 8443 and 8543 . (or http port if thats not possible)
I know that Glassfish has a built-in load balancer but I can't use Glassfish.
One idea I have is to try to setup a separate instance of Tomcat with the "balancer" web app. Im trying that now... not sure if it will work... and its a complicated setup and I wish there was something really easy.
This would be better off on http://serverfault.com
– Sasha Chedygov – 2010-01-20T01:31:06.673