Browsers Causing CPU Thrashing


Whether I use Chrome or IE my CPU starts to go crazy. I'm not sure what kind of web content causes this. Streaming?

enter image description here

I have a fresh install of Windows 7 x64 and I'm using IE 11 and Chrome 45.0.2454.101 m. I have two cores. Sometimes both look this way, and sometimes only one looks this way.

My machine becomes very slow when this phenomena occurs. When I close my browser(s), then the problem goes away.

Is there anything I can do to resolve this?

Brent Arias

Posted 2015-09-30T05:05:27.877

Reputation: 459

capture a xperf trace o the CPU usage of the browsers: (The Win8.1 SDK/WPT also works for your Win7).

– magicandre1981 – 2015-09-30T15:56:28.460

have you captured the trace of the CPU usage so that I can help you? – magicandre1981 – 2015-10-02T18:49:25.150

@magicandre1981 The behavior has not yet re-occurred. When it does I will perform the capture. – Brent Arias – 2015-10-05T22:28:20.483

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