cygstart doesn't start a process with a domain user


I installed Cygwin 1.7 on a remote machine and I am able to connect with the default user "cyg_server" and start a process via cygstart.

I would like to do exactly the same thing but with a different user. I created it in this way: mkpasswd -d DOMAIN -p /home -u USER >>/etc/passwd

I can connect smoothly, but when I use cygstart to run my target process nothing happen. From the console I don't get any message at all, but I am sure of that because after I launch taskkill to check the existence of the process.

Finally, if I connect remotely to my machine and I run the same command directly in the cygwin console I don't have any problem.

Any clue? Thanks


Posted 2015-09-24T13:41:22.367

Reputation: 9



I've found how to accomplish that.

First of all, it is necessary assign the following privileges to the user:

  • editrights -l -u USER
  • editrights -a SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege -u USER
  • editrights -a SeCreateTokenPrivilege -u USER
  • editrights -a SeTcbPrivilege -u USER
  • editrights -a SeServiceLogonRight -u USER
  • editrights -l -u USER

After, I restarted my machine (perhaps it is not essential) and I run my command with the action runas: cygstart --action=runas COMMAND

I hope it helps.


Posted 2015-09-24T13:41:22.367

Reputation: 9