3rd party software for burning lightscribe labels for Windows?



The official lightscribe software is awful (in my opinion).

Are there any alternatives? (Windows 7)


Posted 2010-01-19T17:05:59.177

Reputation: 9 189

Are you looking for Windows only software? – Troggy – 2010-01-19T18:19:47.180

@Troggy - Good point, I should include my OS. – th3dude – 2010-01-19T18:50:16.597



It appears that Nero is now offering a free version of Nero CoverDesigner, which is suppose to be able to print Lightscribe labels (that is what I used in the past).

You can download it here: http://www.nero.com/enu/downloads/
or more precisely: http://ftp6.nero.com/tools/Nero_CoverDesigner.zip

You still need the official Lightscribe System Software drivers from:

NOTE: I have not tried the current version myself yet because my Windows XP machine with the Lightscribe drive died in Superstorm Sandy and i am in the process of replacing it with a Windows 7 machine.

J. Chin

Posted 2010-01-19T17:05:59.177

Reputation: 213


Nero comes with a label designer of its own, supporting LightScribe and LabelFlash.

enter image description here

I'm not aware of any free alternatives, as these are proprietary technologies. There are most likely royalties to pay.


Posted 2010-01-19T17:05:59.177
