How do I change the default location of Sticky Notes on windows 7?


Looking for a solution to help me whenever add a note into sticky notes it will save on new location. Something that always windows check the new location to pull up the file not a copy/short-cut of

%AppData%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\StickyNotes.snt

In other words I'd like to remove %AppData%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\StickyNotes.snt and whenever start the Sticky Notes, see the file in this location: e:\Notes\StickeyNotes.snt

I've tried this one as administrator:

mklink /H "%AppData%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\StickyNotes.snt" "e:\Notes\StickeyNotes.snt"

and even this:

mklink "e:\Notes\StickeyNotes.snt" "%AppData%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\StickyNotes.snt" 

I had a quick look in the registry but couldn't see any pointers there.


Posted 2015-09-24T08:30:32.673

Reputation: 21



For me it worked using /J instead thus creating a directory junction for the whole directory, seeing as how the .snt file is probably the only file to ever reside in that directory. So try this:

mklink /J "%appdata%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes" "e:\Notes\StickeyNotes.snt"

Per Lemming Nissen

Posted 2015-09-24T08:30:32.673

Reputation: 11


You need to trick the OS to do this. The link below worked for me

How to change the default location of Sticky Notes in windows

Here are the steps:

  1. Copy the content of the folder from %AppData%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\ to D:\StickyNotes
  2. Delete Sticky Notes folder at %AppData%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\
  3. Create a symbolic link by running the below line in Command Prompt as administrator:

    Mklink /d "%appdata%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\" "D:\StickyNotes\"


Posted 2015-09-24T08:30:32.673

Reputation: 101

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