How to delete an administrator account (Windows 8)?



I use Windows 8 with Windows 7-like GUI, classic shell

I have two administrative accounts: user and Administrator.

I am currently user

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\User Accounts\Manage Accounts\Change an Account does not show "Delete" button:

enter image description here

I run cmd with administrative privileges and executed

net user Administrator /active:no

net user Administrator [/DELETE]

Both times I got "The command has completed successfully" message, but Administrator is still visible under Manage Accounts menu.

When I execute these commands again, I get the same message.


Posted 2015-09-24T05:14:26.540

Reputation: 165

3The built-in administrator account is a special account. Removing it may lead to undesired behavior. Instead, tell us what makes you want to delete this account. – Daniel B – 2015-09-24T05:53:16.703

It was added by service center which repaired my laptop, because, they didn'y have password from mine. Everything seems to work fine after deletion. – user2136963 – 2015-09-24T08:23:22.870

1No, it wasn’t. It’s always there but usually invisible. – Daniel B – 2015-09-24T08:26:55.607

1@user2136963 - They didn't "add" the account. They just activated the account. Just deactivate the account, numerous tutorials that exist, on how to activate and deactivate this account. – Ramhound – 2015-09-24T11:15:28.780



I'm not sure if you want to delete the account, or just disable it. So, below are how to do both. For both, there are three common steps. Then, they branch out as outlined.

It is recommended that you do not delete the Administrator account, though, as it is built in for certain things. But, if you know what you are doing, deleting it should be fine.

Common Steps

  1. Open the Run Dialog with WIN+R.
  2. Type and enter in lusrmgr.msc.
  3. Go into the Users part.

Method 1 : Delete the Account

  1. Find and delete the Account you want to delete.

Method 2 : Disable the Account

  1. Find and Right Click the Account you want to disable.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Check "Account is Disabled" and click Apply.


Posted 2015-09-24T05:14:26.540

Reputation: 493


The Admin account cannot be deleted unless you have another account with Administrative privileges. To do just that, follow these steps:

  1. Make a new account from admin account.
  2. Log off change user.
  3. Log on to new account.
  4. Delete old account.

Ehtesham Khalid

Posted 2015-09-24T05:14:26.540

Reputation: 1