Handbrake: Best IPhone playable Settings for a 2:1 Aspect Ratio Video


Original Video Settings (360 Panoramic video):
Bitrate: 15000 kbps
FPS: 48
Resolution 3820 x 1910

My current settings in handbrake are:
Apple TV3 Preset
Width: 1920
Height: none
Anamorphic: Loose
Modulus: 2
Video Codec: H264
Quality: 20 RF
X264 preset: medium
x264 tune: none
H264 profile: baseline
H264 Level: 3.1

Whenever the screen resolution is not 1920xWidth, the video fails to display entirely on the Iphone. What is the best way to maintain the best quality possible? I suspect the fix may be in the anamorphic settings, but after reading many resources on it, I am still haveing trouble understanding the concept.


Posted 2015-09-21T15:33:34.690

Reputation: 11

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