How to install Arm 7 distribution of Nodejs


Nodejs provides pre-built binaries for ARM7:

There's nothing in the readme about installation on ARM7. How can I ensure node and npm are installed globally. Is it just a matter of adding some symlinks to /usr/local/bin ?

OS is Ubuntu-Mate 15.04 on Raspberry Pi 2. apt-get installs a much older version of node.


Posted 2015-09-18T12:52:29.047

Reputation: 465


possible duplicate of Installing nodeJS

– Ramhound – 2015-09-18T12:56:13.650

The installation procedure for applications on the Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi 2 is the same as that for the regular desktop version, i.e. using apt-get. Even so I don't think this question is a duplicate because the linked duplicate question is not up-to-date, so it doesn't answer your question. This answer: is less than one month old, and I think it will work better on your Raspberry Pi.

– karel – 2015-09-21T09:46:11.360



You may download the binaries from and untar them anywhere to your system. Each tar has at least the node binary and a compatible npm.

So you may untar different versions to e.g. /usr/local/lib/node like /usr/local/node/release/v0.10.45.

Then you can run node by using full path /usr/local/lib/node/v0.10.45/bin/node --version or set $PATH PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib/node/v0.10.45/bin node --version or do a symlink.

Tom Freudenberg

Posted 2015-09-18T12:52:29.047

Reputation: 251