Custom menu item in Windows context menu works incorrectly


I added menu item to Windows context menu based on this tutorial: link I run BAT file instead of notepad.exe. My BAT file runs "del" command. It works fine with all files except files ending with ".exe". System runs the executable instead of running the script. I guess there is conflict somewhere in registry. The point of script is that del command does not move files to bin.

How do I repair it?


BAT file contains:

@echo off
del %1 /F /Q > nul

output from reg query "HKCR_CURRENT_USER..*\shell\QuickDel\command":

C:\MyWindowsScripts\QuickDel.bat "%1"


Posted 2015-09-14T13:24:32.230

Reputation: 11

Please [edit] your question to include your batch file. – DavidPostill – 2015-09-14T13:45:32.607

Please [edit] your question to include your batch file and output from reg query "HKCR\*\shell\YourMenuName\Command" – JosefZ – 2015-09-14T14:04:15.760

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