How can I remove a specific URL from the address bar autocomplete? Using Opera 31.0.1889.174 on Windows 7.
I tried using the arrow down key to go to the specific entry and then hitting Delete. Also tried Shift + Delete neither seem to work.
Regarding the duplicate statement, this should be a separate question if the goal is to help people. I don't think it's self-evident to all users of Opera that it is based on chromium and that therefore they should search for Chrome solutions to their Opera problems. Furthermore the accepted answer of the referenced question does not in any way explain how to do what I asked. Finally, while Shift + Delete works in Chrome it does not work (at least for me) in Opera in removing items from the address bar autocomplete.
possible duplicate of Clear item from Chrome address bar autocomplete
– DavidPostill – 2015-09-13T16:07:10.183