Profile windows 7 booting


My windows 7 boot very slow (stage when windows desktop appear), it need something about 10 minutes, to start working normal. Do you know any software to profile/analyze windows booting time ? I want to check which applications/services takes the most booting time and why.


Posted 2015-09-12T10:04:59.450

Reputation: 65

Question was closed 2015-09-14T07:30:53.637

Have you tried msconfig or Autoruns? Are your drivers up to date? Do you have unplugged shared printers? Are you sure you have no malware? We need more info

– Jet – 2015-09-12T10:24:09.980



Use the Windows WPT and run this command:

xbootmgr -trace boot -traceFlags BASE+LATENCY+DISK_IO_INIT+DISPATCHER+FILE_IO+FILENAME+REGISTRY -stackwalk profile+CSwitch+ReadyThread+DiskReadInit+DiskWriteInit+ImageLoad+ImageUnload+RegQueryKey+RegEnumerateKey+RegEnumerateValueKey+RegDeleteKey+RegCreateKey+RegOpenKey+RegSetValue+RegDeleteValue+RegQueryValue+RegQueryMultipleValue+RegSetInformation+RegFlush+RegVirtualize+RegCloseKey+RegHiveInit+RegHiveDestroy+RegHiveLink+RegHiveDirty -resultPath C:\TEMP

After reboot stop the countdown, load the ETL into WPA.exe, load the debug symbols, click on "Profile"->"Apply", "browse catalog" and select the file FullBoot.Boot.wpaprofile

enter image description here

Look which boot part is too long.


Posted 2015-09-12T10:04:59.450

Reputation: 86 560