How to make the icons work on Panel and Window Manager?


How do you get Window Manager and Panel to show up icons in Linux? I am not able to get the icons working for Zathura and Termite applications. I use OpenBox with Tint2 as the Panel.

termite.desktop and zathura.desktop have Icon="name" entry present. And those images are present in /usr/share/pixmaps and /usr/share/icons/hicolor/apps/16x16 - 48x48 folders. zathura.desktop has a generic Icon called as utilities-terminal which is the same for most of the standard desktop utilities. I do see the Icon when I navigate to /usr/share/applications folder for both Termite and Zathura. It however doesn't show up in WM and Panel.

I read that there is a function that can be called by application that sets these icons. It can check for icons in user's theme or else default to a standard icon like Firefox does. Is there a way to control this and force an icon for the application?

It looks pretty much like this:

enter image description here


Posted 2015-09-11T15:40:01.427

Reputation: 555



Applications themselves set the Icon and it need not be based on the GTK Theme. Firefox for example hardcodes the Icon Image. Some applications allow it to be supplied in their rc files.

For zathura you can change ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc

set window-icon /full/path/to/image

For Termite you can change ~/.config/termite/config

[options] ... icon_name = terminal ... There is also this beautiful tool called xseticon


Posted 2015-09-11T15:40:01.427

Reputation: 555