Shortcut keys in Google Sheet don't work?


I have version 45.0.2454.85 m of Chrome (the latest when writing this question). I have a Swedish version of Logitech MX 5500 physical wireless Bluetooth keyboard.

My problem is regarding shortcut keys with Google (spread)Sheets and Chrome. For example, when pressing the following key combination, Shift+ Ctrl+;, you are supposed to insert a date in the selected cell. When I do it (press the key combination), I get nothing. No date will be inserted (and no other key shortcuts works either).

The following answer, Why don't keyboard shortcuts work in Google Chrome browser? suggests it's an issue with an extension ("Type-ahead-find") that conflicts with it, but I don't have this or any other obvious extensions either.

How can I resolve my problem with shortcut keys on Google Sheets?

Hauns TM

Posted 2015-09-11T08:50:35.790

Reputation: 259

The key combination is actually CTRL + SHIFT + ;. Is there a reason why yours is in reverse? – Spokey – 2015-09-11T08:54:16.787

Does it work in any other browser on the same machine? – Spokey – 2015-09-11T09:01:31.067

I have only IE 11 available (except Chrome). Can't get Google Sheet shortcuts to work in IE either. Does it work for you? – Hauns TM – 2015-09-11T09:10:29.350

What keyboard language is your PC set to when typing? If you require an extra key to type in ";" that might be a problem. – Spokey – 2015-09-11T09:36:25.383

Hmm... The keyboard settings is for Swedish laguage and I don't need any extra keys for typing a plain literal ";" in any spread sheet cell (I'm using Chrome and IE as browsers, it works in both of them). – Hauns TM – 2015-09-11T21:52:02.497

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