How to sort custom system folders in Windows Explorer


Following this tutorial, I was able to create a custom system folder for Mega Sync:

enter image description here

However, now I'm sitting with another problem - how do I sort/move it? I want it to sit between Creative Cloud & OneDrive folders.

Afterwards, I plan on creating a second folder for Google Drive and putting it there as well.


Posted 2015-09-10T23:15:57.063

Reputation: 21

Just as a side note, for other ppl searching for same question, try adding "Navigation pane" keyword to the question :) – krizajb – 2017-01-01T17:40:46.713



I fixed the problem myself.

A friend found this tutorial, describing how to move libraries in windows explorer.

Using the same method, I applied a 32-bit DWORD named SortOrderIndex with a hexadecimal value of 42 to the two registry entries I made in [HKCR\CLSID] & [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID]

As you can see in the image here, this fixed my problem :)


Posted 2015-09-10T23:15:57.063

Reputation: 21

Did the same on windows 10 with custom cloud folders such as CloudStation and GoogleDrive: picture

– krizajb – 2017-01-01T17:39:20.657