Unable to change screen settings on Linux Mint (SettingsDaemon was not provided by any .service files)


I'm trying to set up a second screen on my laptop. I plugged the screen using the VGA port and go to Preferences -> Display.

The screen is correctly detected, but when I try to activate it, an error is raised:

Failure of the configuration application: %s (translated from the French sentence from the screenshot below)

GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.cinnamon.SettingsDaemon was not provided by any .service files

Screenshot of the error

I don't know if it can help:

~$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)

I did not find anything on the Internet about this specific setting... Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.

Maxime Lorant

Posted 2015-09-04T09:13:18.040

Reputation: 131



I resolved the problem by upgrading to the last version of Linux Mint.

I don't know if the answer of @Homme Zwaagstra would solve the issue, so I prefer to accept my own answer.

Maxime Lorant

Posted 2015-09-04T09:13:18.040

Reputation: 131


I received this error because cinnamon-settings-daemon was not running. You can check if it is running as the following command will list it:

pgrep -fa cinnamon-settings-daemon

If cinnamon-settings-daemon appears in the output of the above command then your issue is different to mine. Otherwise, run it from the terminal as follows:

cinnamon-settings-daemon &

This should enable you to change the screen settings.

Out of interest, cinnamon-settings-daemon wasn't starting on login because of this issue. Doing the following and then running cinnamon-settings-daemon fixed it for me:

rm -f ~/.config/monitors.xml{,.backup}

Homme Zwaagstra

Posted 2015-09-04T09:13:18.040

Reputation: 141

I totally forgot about this post... I resolved my issue two or three weeks later... by upgrading to Linux Mint last version :-)

I will never know if this could resolve my issue, sorry. – Maxime Lorant – 2015-11-24T15:18:23.230

Confirmed this works on a fresh install of Linux Mint 18 – crypdick – 2016-12-05T03:37:58.837

similar issue on Ubuntu 17.10 and additionally the daemon was renamed. i needed to launch /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cinnamon-settings-daemon/csd-xrandr in a terminal to make the gui work. – mnagel – 2018-02-28T13:24:57.433


Old thread but i had exactly the same issue as written. I solved the issue by removing cinnamon-settings-daemon-xrandr.desktop from the .config/autostart and restarting.

rm -f ~/.config/autostart/cinnamon-settings-daemon-xrandr.desktop

Removing ~/.config/monitors.xml did not work in my instance.

Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon (v4.2.4), Kernal 4.15.0-70-generic

Andreas Broström

Posted 2015-09-04T09:13:18.040

Reputation: 11


I had a similar problem to what Homme Zwaagstra described. The difference, however, was that I had accidentally turned off cinnamon-settings-daemon as a startup application. If you are having this problem you could open up your startup applications manager and make sure that cinnamon-settings-daemon is running on startup.


Posted 2015-09-04T09:13:18.040

Reputation: 1