Hotkey for Trash (Recycle) for Windows


Keyboard shortcut Win+E is opening Explorer (My Computer) on Windows.

Is there a way to run Trash (Recycle) with a shortcut like Win+E, excepting utilities?

John Law

Posted 2015-08-26T06:21:27.713

Reputation: 3

Not posting this as an answer because it's to much of a workaround but you could create a shortcut to the recycle bin and add a keyboard shortcut to that through Right-Click -> Properties -> Shortcut. – Lieven Keersmaekers – 2015-08-26T06:38:45.617



As far as I know there is no shortcut to open the Recycle Bin. Here is a list of all shortcuts:

What you can do (and what I always do as soon as there is no shortcut functionallity I want but Windows doesn't offer it) use AutoHotKey.

After installation you simply can create a script (that may hold all your shortcuts). Compile and start the created executable. Add to Autorun if you want it to start on boot.

Here's a list of Folders for Windows from the AutoHotKey Froum. A script example is also in the thread.


Posted 2015-08-26T06:21:27.713

Reputation: 1 180