Is there such a thing as an IP femtocell, and what does it do?


My dad mentioned a co-worker suggested using a device, that might use CDMA to route calls through IP to save costs on a certain overseas project we're on- since our home base is quite far from there. I've never heard of such a device, so if it does exist, I'm wondering, if it's specific to particular ISPs, or if you can just pick one off the shelf, plug it into an arbitrary Internet connection, and make calls using it and a cellphone of some sort?

As you can tell, details are sketchy, so... if such a device doesn't exist, saying so might be a right answer ;)

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2010-01-15T14:51:53.117

Reputation: 119 122

just for the record... it was something totally different they were talking about. i've selected the closest answer to what i thought was being talked about – Journeyman Geek – 2010-01-29T13:57:42.047



Different cell carriers offer femtocells, as well as Magicjack who is about to release one. You may want to consider using phones that simply integrate with normal wifi through UMA. I get crap service where I am, but my phone just patches into my access point at home and doesn't have trouble.


Posted 2010-01-15T14:51:53.117

Reputation: 2 103

+1 to DHayes. @JoruneymanGeek Magicjack does exactly what you asked:

– cregox – 2010-04-17T14:55:24.817

Thats a possibility - if femtocells are CDMA we'd have to get a seperate set of phones anyway. – Journeyman Geek – 2010-01-15T23:35:43.397


You can just plug it in, it does not require a specific ISP (that would be a nightmare). You may have problems trying to use the femtocell overseas to connect to a wireless provider in the US.

You should consider VOIP\Skype\google voice, etc.


Posted 2010-01-15T14:51:53.117

Reputation: 355

we're not US based - our home base is in singapore, and we might have a remote office in another country, and we'd like to save on roaming charges. We'll almost certainly be using skype or some other VOIP service in addition to the device. I'd just like some extra info before i brought up the idea

One system they have here (starhub homezone) is tied into both a specific ISP and phone company, which is why i wondered – Journeyman Geek – 2010-01-15T23:34:17.020


From the Wikipedia article on Femtocell:

In telecommunications, a femtocell—originally known as an Access Point Base Station—is a small cellular base station, typically designed for use in a home or small business. It connects to the service provider’s network via broadband (such as DSL or cable); current designs typically support 2 to 4 active mobile phones in a residential setting, and 8 to 16 active mobile phones in enterprise settings. A femtocell allows service providers to extend service coverage indoors, especially where access would otherwise be limited or unavailable. The femtocell incorporates the functionality of a typical base station but extends it to allow a simpler, self contained deployment; an example is a UMTS femtocell containing a Node B, RNC and in some cases GPRS Support Node (SGSN) with Ethernet for backhaul. Although much attention is focused on WCDMA, the concept is applicable to all standards, including GSM, CDMA2000, TD-SCDMA, WiMAX and LTE solutions.

There is a ton more information in that article. I won't repeat it all here, but there are several pieces of discussion in there about "lub over IP" and VoIP with terminal adapters, etc.


Posted 2010-01-15T14:51:53.117

Reputation: 4 427

Read through it, but it isn't very specidic about some of the quetions i had, especially to do with actual models. – Journeyman Geek – 2010-01-15T23:36:23.957