How does Windows know if a program is not responding?



How does Windows know if a program is not responding? Does it constantly keep polling all running applications?


Posted 2015-08-24T07:33:51.893

Reputation: 1 469

1 – magicandre1981 – 2015-08-24T17:15:52.970

@magicandre1981 That page proposes one way to check that a program is actively doing something, but it is not the way that Windows actually uses. – Kevin Panko – 2015-08-25T16:36:30.870

Look at Windows message queue, a candidate is PeekMessage() function – Luciano – 2015-08-28T00:20:36.233



An application gets the events from a queue provided by Windows.

If the application doesn't poll the eventqueue for a while (5 seconds), for example when doing a long calculation, then Windows assumes that the application is hung and alerts the user.

To avoid that applications should push expensive calculations to worker threads or split up processing and make sure the queue gets polled regularly.

ratchet freak

Posted 2015-08-24T07:33:51.893

Reputation: 2 764

27↑ This. Nothing to do with scheduling or such as suggested in the accepted answer, only whether you regularly call GetMessage (or the like) and DispatchMessage. – Damon – 2015-08-24T14:40:47.423

1The accepted answer, in referring to IsHungAppWindow correctly notes that a program in the startup phase doesn't have to call GetMessage. – MSalters – 2015-08-25T09:56:15.967

@MSalters With startup being defined as the time before the first GetMessage? That feature allows simple command line apps to work without being considered hung as they don't need to poll the queue. – ratchet freak – 2015-08-25T11:54:41.560

4@ratchetfreak: Presumably before the first CreateWindow call. Command line apps are different beasts altogether; they're running inside ConHost.EXE and it interacts with the Windows GUI susbystem for them. – MSalters – 2015-08-25T12:27:28.900

@damon The reference in my answer to scheduling is in response to the 2nd part of the OP's question, which was "Does it constantly keep polling all running applications?" – DavidPostill – 2015-08-26T20:55:52.873

this is the correct answer. this is why it doesn't necessarily mean that a program has crashed just because it is "not responding", in fact it's also why the terms "not responding" and "busy" are used to describe this state: the program is literally busy doing something else. – Dave Cousineau – 2015-08-26T22:29:39.977

1also, it seems to me that in Windows 7 (and possibly earlier) that windows will notice this much sooner if you try and fail to manipulate the window in some way. like if a program doesn't process a maximize or move message, windows 7 will jump right to not responding after about 1 or 2 seconds.. – Dave Cousineau – 2015-08-26T22:33:40.283


How does Windows know if a program is not responding?

Without the source code to Windows we cannot be sure what it is doing internally.

There is an SDK Windows function IsHungAppWindow that can be used.

An application is considered to be not responding if it is not waiting for input, is not in startup processing, and has not called PeekMessage within the internal timeout period of 5 seconds.

Source IsHungAppWindow function

If a top-level window stops responding to messages for more than several seconds, the system considers the window to be not responding. In this case, the system hides the window and replaces it with a ghost window that has the same Z order, location, size, and visual attributes. This allows the user to move it, resize it, or even close the application. However, these are the only actions available because the application is actually not responding.

Source About Messages and Message Queues

Does it constantly keep polling all running applications?

No. Applications are not polled but given processor time.

Windows has a scheduling system that gives processor time to application threads.

The scheduling algorithm is complex, and is fully described in Windows Internals, Part 1 (6th Edition) (Developer Reference).


Posted 2015-08-24T07:33:51.893

Reputation: 118 938

2The hang state is not based on CPU. Most programs are "hung" in that sense for 99.999% of the time and do nothing. – usr – 2015-08-24T10:52:54.440

2@usr Where did I say that "hung" depends on CPU? – DavidPostill – 2015-08-24T10:54:32.873

The first half of the answer suggests that thought. – usr – 2015-08-24T10:57:09.337

2@usr The first half of the answer is answering "Does it constantly keep polling all running applications?". The second half is answering "How does Windows know if a program is not responding?. The OP asked two questions in one ;) – DavidPostill – 2015-08-24T10:59:14.990

9It's not really polling, though, is it? I assume the internals are more like a wait handle on the window is signalled when you call PeekMessage. So when Windows sends a message to the application, and doesn't get signalled within five seconds, it marks the application as not responding. And in fact, on more recent Windows, the window is only marked "not responding" if it failed to respond to user input in time - until I try to click or press a key or something, the application can easily stay "hung" for minutes without "appearing" non-responsive. – Luaan – 2015-08-24T11:56:09.677

1@Luaan Agreed. That exactly why I said "Yes (indirectly). Applications are not polled but given processor time." and "Without the source code to Windows we cannot be sure what it is doing internally." – DavidPostill – 2015-08-24T12:04:17.923

Here is for hoping that Windows will raise the bar and decrease that timeout over a period of time towards... 1 second? Personally I feel it is ridiculous that apps often don't respond for seconds on end. A very aggressive strategy on Windows' end ('this app is not responding. Do you want to uninstall?') would probably quickly improve the situation for users. Either behave or get out! – Stijn de Witt – 2015-08-24T19:59:01.557

@StijndeWitt You can change it yourself Modify application timeout

– DavidPostill – 2015-08-24T20:01:15.237

@DavidPostill I know but I doubt app vendors would care... Millions of people being confronted with their app 'not responding' on a regular basis would make them want to fix it. I think Android already has a mechanism in place to auto-kill apps that are hanging. – Stijn de Witt – 2015-08-24T20:03:12.700

Windows does not have a reliable app isolation. You can't always blame a window hanging on the main executable. For instance, a certain line of Dell laptops had crapware installed on them that crashed our application. The crapware tried to add an extra drive letter for "encryped content", and we asked Windows whether a certain drive was a USB drive. Windows then asked the crapware on our behalf. It hung instead of returning "no", but it hung while inside out process. – MSalters – 2015-08-25T10:00:35.700

@MSalters That's because the process flow is Executable -> Windows -> CrapwareBuggyDevice Driver so the hang is effectively in your application process space. In any case I'm trying to keep my answer general rather than going into all the strange corner cases that would make the answer a book ;) – DavidPostill – 2015-08-25T10:19:53.660

2You can delete everything above "About Messages and Message Queues" as it doesn't help the answer. Windows knows an app has stopped responding because it stops pumping messages. The app could be running though as its doing something intensive instead of pumping messages(but thats a poorly designed program). – Andy – 2015-08-25T22:01:52.727

Ok, keep that line then , even though its repeated below it. But most of this answer is useless noise that has nothing to do with what's going on. – Andy – 2015-08-25T22:11:59.377

1I've already up voted the better answer right under this one. I'm explaining why i downvoted yours in the hope you'll clean it up, since unfortunately its been chosen as the accepted answer. – Andy – 2015-08-25T22:23:47.010


Actually, Windows doesn't always know that an application is not responding. The application has to be an interactive application with a window, and the window must be receiving messages that the application fails to process, before Windows concludes that the application is not responding.

For instance, Windows has no way of knowing if a number-crunching application with no user interface that is run from the command line is doing its thing, or perhaps stuck in an infinite loop.

Interactive graphical applications in Windows receive events by continuously polling a message queue. Windows populates this message queue with keyboard, mouse, timer, etc. events. If an application fails to poll the message queue for some time (5 seconds is the timeout mentioned in the IsHungAppWindow() function documentation), Windows considers the application "hung", which it may indicate by changing the window title (adding the text "(Not Responding)" or equivalent text in localized versions) and greying out the window contents if the user tries to interact with the window.

Applications can hang in ways that Windows does not recognize. For instance, an application may continue polling for messages in its message queue without properly acting on them, so for all practical intents and purposes it would appear "hung" without Windows recognizing that it is non-responsive.

Viktor Toth

Posted 2015-08-24T07:33:51.893

Reputation: 887

8Not responding, by definition, means not processing window messages, so it doesn't apply to services or console apps, and so i'd say Windows does always know if an app is not responding. You're confusing dead locks and not responding. – Andy – 2015-08-25T22:05:23.953

Of course it can know if a program isn't responding. "Not responding" is not the same as "stuck in an infinite loop" – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft – 2015-08-25T23:50:50.393

1Actually, an application can retrieve messages via GetMessage() and fail to process them, and it would not be recognized as "not responding" by Windows despite the fact that it would certainly appear non-responsive to its user. The term "not responding" is also often used to describe network, service, interactive command line, etc. applications; AFAIK there is no formal definition that limits the phrase to windowed applications. Both a deadlock or an infinite loop (or any other programming error) can cause an application to become non-responsive, but no, I did not confuse cause and effect. – Viktor Toth – 2015-08-26T03:29:32.393


Windows is an operating system, it's supervising all running programs.

Windows communicates with window-based applications using events. Every program has a thread that constantly listens for incoming events and processes them. For example when you click a button or a notification area icon, Windows generates an event and feeds it into appropriate process. The process can then decide how to handle it.

All interactions with programs are event-based in Windows, so when program doesn't process incoming events for too long, it means it doesn't respond. As @DavidPostill has found and noted in his answer, the timeout is 5 seconds. PeekMessage is the function that gets an event from event queue.


Posted 2015-08-24T07:33:51.893

Reputation: 33 047


The answer to your question is yes/NO.

While the Windows OS can and does poll applications with events in the Windows Messaging Queue, programs are under absolutely zero obligation to link to the WinAPI or handle/answer the Windows Queue. Even answering a message in the Queue does not tell Windows whether the program has "locked up" or not. It's an indicator, but that's all it is. The real answer is quite a bit more complicated.

The real Answer

People are hedging around the actual answer here. Determining whether a program is "not responding" is a variant of the "halting problem", which is formally undecidable in computer science. The short explanation is that the processor cannot act as a third party observing itself to determine whether a subroutine is stuck in an infinite loop, doing nothing vs incrementing a counter which will terminate at some fixed, normal number. Both of these can be considered to be tightly closed loops. One halts, the other will never terminate. Even you, as a person, don't know whether a program is actually responding or not, especially if it is in a tightly closed loop -- you only know if think it should (respond).

From Windows' perspective, both of these loops are "not responding". That's why windows gives you the choice to wait or terminate, because it cannot tell.

So the corollary is "why does windows know that a process is responding?" The answer is rather clever. When a process is compiled in a multi-threaded & multi-process OS, sometimes even in tightly closed loops, the compiler may add in a yield() command, which provides a convenient notification to the processor that it can switch to other running processes. It "gives up" the processor and a "context switch" (as it is called) happens that allows the OS (Windows included) to answer other events in the stack, some of which include tracking that the process has responded.

**This does not mean that a responding process will terminate. ** A process inside an infinite loop can yield the processor, allowing Windows to process other events.

In some windows programs, the program will handle Windows OS signals, which can tell the OS it is "responding", but no program is under any obligation to do so. You can write quite simple CPU hogging, non-terminating programs even inside higher level languages on Windows such as perl, php, python, and Windows may not detect that it is not terminating and not responding. At that point, Windows depends upon heuristics -- CPU load, memory, how many interrupts the processor handled while the program was running to "guess". Again, at that point, Windows has to ask you to terminate, because it really does not know if it should.

See also Viktor's (correct) answer. Ignore the comments about whether "not responding" is not the same as an infinite loop. There are all kinds of messages, interrupts, loops that an application may or may not handle without informing the Windows message queue. Handling the message queue is only one of many kinds of events that the OS keeps counters on to try to guess whether a process is hung.


Posted 2015-08-24T07:33:51.893

Reputation: 169