Talk command only shows "Checking for invitation on caller's machine"


The talk command on Yosemite doesn't work and the /etc/inetd.conf file is nowhere to be found. Why is this file no longer included with OS X and why doesn't talk work anymore?

Running talk just says:

Checking for invitation on caller's machine


Posted 2015-08-23T18:49:05.190

Reputation: 51

Did you use it before? What is the full command you are using? And why do you think /etc/inetd.conf is related? If not related then please remove that part; we like one question per post in our Q&A format; please see the [tour]. – Arjan – 2015-08-23T18:54:50.067

the inetd.conf file is related because an explanation I saw on MacHints from 2002 explains how to enable talk. – Bob – 2015-08-24T17:30:04.177

Please add those details to your question. (And also the answers to my other questions above.) – Arjan – 2015-08-24T18:13:16.947



The information you require about getting /usr/bin/talk working in Yosemite can be found in the ntalkd(8) man page.

An excerpt from that page reads:

Execute the following command as root to enable talkd:

   launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ntalk.plist

I did this, and was then able to issue a talk nevin command in one Terminal window, and received the following notice in another Terminal window:

Message from Talk_Daemon@nevin-mac-mini.local at 23:46 on 2015/09/14 ...  
talk: connection requested by nevin@localhost                             
talk: respond with:  talk nevin@localhost         

Taking that action in the second terminal window gave me the familiar split-screen talk window. There were no further "Waiting for invitation..." messages.

To turn off ntalkd, I used:

launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ntalk.plist

Nevin Williams

Posted 2015-08-23T18:49:05.190

Reputation: 3 725