Media center for bananian linux


I have an Banana Pi with Bananian 15.04 r01 running on it. At the moment I use it as download and FTP server. With the VLC player it is even possible to stream videos to my pc but I can't jump to a specific time in the video while streaming. To do this, I want to install a media center on my banana pi.

Is there a lightweight media center for bananian that allows me to fast forward and jump to a time in a video? It should have an web interface so I can access it via network on my pc. I don't really care for more features.

I have only found media centers like xbmc which have to be flashed and can't be installed manually on my bananian as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong.


Posted 2015-08-21T05:51:43.543

Reputation: 135



I found that a DLNA server is able to stream video files and can easily run on bananian linux.

Here are the steps to install it:

sudo apt-get install minidlna

Open /etc/minidlna.confwith a text editor and add the directory where the video files are. In my case it has to be media_dir=V,/disk1

You just have to restart the minidlna service with:

sudo service minidlna restart

When you open http://<banana-pi-ip>:8200/ you should see how far MiniDLNA is with scanning the media directorys.

Now just have to start an DLNA client or the VLC player and open the playlist with CTRL + L and click and open Universal Plug'n'Play under Local Network and you should see your banana pi.


Posted 2015-08-21T05:51:43.543

Reputation: 135