Where are ALL locations of Start Menu folders in Windows 10?



I am trying to fix start menu damage after windows 10 install.

Currently, I removed all files from known locations of start menu files, but still have some entries in Start Menu.

Here is the proof folders are empty:

enter image description here

And here is the proof that I still have some entries in Main Menu:

enter image description here

What are all locations of Start Menu folders in Windows 10?


Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 8 464

Have you tried googling? Location of this folder hasn't changed since Vista, it's %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu. – gronostaj – 2015-08-20T21:02:07.233

I does not coincide too. I can post proof, but trust me it is. – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:19:12.260

5@gronostaj I posted a proof, please remove downvote. – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:24:46.720

1@fixer1234 The path content does not coincide with Start Menu content. For example, path contains two YourKit Java Profiler* entries, Бесплатные игры Atarata, Декларация 2012, Игры Alawar and Игры от Alawar entries, which are not in menu. – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:36:25.727

@fixer1234 reversely, Start Menu contains Xming and XnView entries, which are not in the folder. – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:37:12.733

@fixer1234 there are numerous differences; in fact I can't use Start Menu after upgrade to Windows 10 at all. To run program, I open folder in Explorer and search for *.lnk files. I can do this of course, but would like to fix it. – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:39:17.807

Try C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu – Moab – 2015-08-20T21:44:32.123

1@Moab It contains one more mixture, but no full conicidence. Can post proof if you don't believe. – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:47:23.113

1Not all start menu entries are in that folder. I believe anything in the equivalent "all users" folder gets included, plus there are other routes to the menu. That directory is mainly for you to be able to add things. As to why some directory items aren't in the menu, are they executables or links to executables? – fixer1234 – 2015-08-20T21:47:47.073

Isn't it possible to know explicitly, which folder Windows uses to show Start Menu? I – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:48:11.660

@fixer1234 they are folders with lnk files, and these lnk files work fine if double click them with mouse from File Explorer. – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:49:23.363

Probably folders are excluded if duplicated in multiple places? – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:50:59.593

2re: your previous comment, I don't believe everything in the start menu is located in a single folder. – fixer1234 – 2015-08-20T21:51:11.357

@fixer1234 I know it collects from several folders. But why isn't it include all it finds? – Dims – 2015-08-20T21:51:52.323

That one I can't answer. – fixer1234 – 2015-08-20T21:52:43.177

I believe you, I upvoted, windows 10 just sucks... – Moab – 2015-08-20T21:54:55.623

Your question originated because you couldn't find a folder with a 1:1 match to the start menu contents. Part of that answer is that there are multiple sources for the menu, so no single folder is guaranteed to contain everything. The other part is why subdirectories in the main user-specific folder are not showing up in the menu when they contain working links. That's the only portion of the question that lacks an answer. You might have a better shot if you refocus the question specifically on that. – fixer1234 – 2015-08-20T22:12:33.520

"For example, path contains two YourKit Java Profiler* entries..." -- The bottom screenshot shows those folders in the path. Several other folders, XBMC and ZDT, are also in the path and show up in the displayed portion of the Start Menu as pull-down entries (which is how folders are displayed). Just to confirm, those two YourKit folders aren't displayed on any page in the Start Menu? – fixer1234 – 2015-08-21T18:10:39.197

@fixer1234 yes, they are absent; numerous entries are absent; in fact, my entire Start Menu is useless now; to run any program, I am opening Far Manager, opening Start Menu folder in it and doing search for appropriate *.lnk file. I.e. I am doing by hand what Windows should do with it's Start Menu feature. – Dims – 2015-08-24T11:04:02.680

@fixer1234 if you don't believe me, please note, that entries are sorted alphabetically; since Y goes between X and Z, YourKit* should be shown between XMBC and ZDT. – Dims – 2015-08-24T11:11:27.757

X,Z,3,H,C is alphabetical? I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that your locale and language setting isn't US English (had help from a few other clues, too, on that one). :-) – fixer1234 – 2015-08-24T16:37:21.590

@fixer1234 These letters are Russian, they are really alphabetical, locale is irrelevant. Check my revised question please: I have removed ALL files from menu folders, but I still have some items in menu. – Dims – 2015-09-10T07:19:22.597

Interesting. Some are folders, and some of the programs have no icon. It's also interesting that some folders show up in the menu and some don't. You could do a search to find where the displayed stuff is located to identify the folders. I'm wondering if Win 10 is using a different mechanism, like using installed programs from the registry rather than relying on folder searches, plus including items you place in one of the dedicated start menu folders. Moab might have the right idea (maybe Win 10 isn't ready for prime time). – fixer1234 – 2015-09-10T15:48:03.847

I have done the search but found nothing. I sought drive C: Menu files are now on D: where I kept them for time, but I expect menu can't populate from there. I was copying with Far file manager hence unprobable that windows tracked the path. So, I am coming to conclusion, that @qasdfdsaq is right: data is stored somewhere in "proprietary database" – Dims – 2015-09-10T16:19:13.910



You can find it here :

%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

which, in a standard installation, refer to

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

To me that includes all folders and files in the start screen.

But maybe you installed programs, then uninstalled them- but the folders remained there hence the extra folders or files.

In my case all that was in that folder existed in the Start menu.


Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 1 001

1This isn't everything, what about cortana, voice recorder, alarms and clock, etc? I don't know where those things are coming from because it's neither of those locations. – Sephethus – 2018-03-23T12:55:58.893

There are still entries which not appear there, I am missing the ms bloatware like Microsoft News, Candy Crush Saga. Do you know where I can find these entries? – Honsa Stunna – 2018-09-26T09:27:31.160


@HonsaStunna, Windows Apps do not function the same way as traditionally installed programs. You may want to reference the following article on removing .appx files if this achieves your goal. (Windows Apps) from your system: Remove APPX Package For All Users. See also: Remove Provisioned Apps During Windows Update as Apps may reappear after feature updates or other user logins.

– DontCopyThatFloppy – 2018-11-27T17:14:14.957

I was looking out for the location of pin to start menu items and this helped me: %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs – Shiyaz – 2019-02-21T12:42:43.513


Since you're familiar with PowerShell, there are several possible solutions ...

And yes, I'm in Win 10:

PS > [Environment]::OSVersion.Version

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
10     0      10586  0

Ask Windows (.NET)

Ask Windows (.NET to be specific) where the location is. This will resolve the correct location in case you, like me, moved your AppData\Roaming folder into a DropBox-like location.

PS > [Environment]::GetFolderPath('StartMenu')
C:\Users\VertigoRay\DropBox\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
PS > [Environment]::GetFolderPath('CommonStartMenu')
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu

More about GetFolderPath.

Delete Corrupted AppLocker Files

PowerShell (As Admin):

PS > Get-ChildItem "${env:SystemRoot}\System32\AppLocker\Plugin*.*" | %{ Move-Item $_ "${_}.bak" }

Restart Windows after you run the command.

DISM Restore Health

PowerShell (As Admin):

& dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

Restart Windows after you run the command.

Re-register App Packages

PowerShell (As Admin):

PS > Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | %{ Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml" }

You might get some errors (red text). Typically this is saying the .xml can't be found; just ignore it.


As previously linked in this thread, simply re-indexing your drive should cause the Start Menu DB to refresh. I would turn off indexing, then turn it all back on.

Turning off indexing deleted the indexing files in previous versions of Windows; I haven't tested this in Windows 10. If needed, you can manually delete the indexing files once indexing is turned off; might need to reboot after turning indexing off to release all open handles. The default location for the indexing files is: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search


Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 283

1This is a really great answer. Thanks for information about GetFolderPath. – Ashhar Hasan – 2017-02-04T00:50:29.763


Although completely non-obvious, it is actually very simple.

Windows-R to open the run menu and type:

shell:programs. This opens the equivalent of C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

shell:common programs. This opens the equivalent of C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

I personally use shell:startup a lot to open the folder where shortcuts are located for starting up automatically.

You can find the full list on the winhelponline site.

Jeroen Ritmeijer

Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 420


The folder you are looking for does not exist.

Windows 10's start menu uses a Microsoft proprietary database, there is no folder.

When you click "All Programs" in the start menu, Windows shows all programs listed in it's start menu database. The database is populated with items from multiple locations as fixer1234 described, but ultimately it is the contents of the database that are shown and not any specific folder(s).


Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 5 762

3How to manipulate this database? How to remove/add items from/to it?I have my Start Menu completely damaged and need to fix it. – Dims – 2015-09-10T07:06:37.747

PS Looks like you are The One who knows truth :) – Dims – 2015-09-10T07:20:10.200

6This answer just shifts the question from "where is the folder" to "where is the database". – jiggunjer – 2016-05-31T06:57:38.753

1@jiggunjer: Feel free to ask a new question. – qasdfdsaq – 2016-06-01T01:29:06.713

1This is just an aggressive way of saying 'the information comes from multiple folders' – mikemaccana – 2018-06-15T15:21:28.293

1@mikemaccana agreed, he could have easily said what the answer with 51 votes currently said, but instead took the hyper aggressive and not helpful route. Wonder why. – Hellreaver – 2018-07-05T06:40:39.907

@qasdfdsaq Feel free just to tell us, instead of gaming the points system. – Andrew S – 2019-03-21T22:27:08.313


I hate to burst any bubbles, but there is no database. There are 3 places to look -- but i am still looking for 1 more: Of course to find these you need to File Explorer view to show hidden and system files. If you can't do that you shouldn't be messing here.

This contains items pinned to the start menu - not the all programs list ??????????????????????????????????? Who can answer this ???????????

This contains items loaded for specific users C:\Users(username)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu

This contains items loaded for all users C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu

This contains items pinned to the taskbar per user C:\Users(username)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar

In Windows 10, I have not found a use for items in C:\Users(username)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch . I guess you could add it as a new toolbar as done in Windows 7 and earlier but I see no point.


Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 160

2This should really be posted as a comment, or as a new question (or both). It is not an actual answer. – music2myear – 2017-01-05T17:59:26.810

1Also, yes, it is a Database in Windows 10. You can think of it as a cache, but it's a database acting like a cache in that case. Or vice versa. The database caches the entries from several folders you mention, and sometimes does not update itself when those locations are changed/updated. As such, sometimes the fix is to remove an entity from one or more folders, and sometimes you have to refresh the DB itself. – music2myear – 2017-01-05T18:04:42.607


It's true that the (some say silly) proprietary binary Win10 StartMenu database is located at:

  • Orthodox: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\Database\

But that's not the whole story (AFAICT).

There is a right (orthodox) side to the Windows 10 start menu (groups & tiles), and a left side (alphabetical words) ... where that left side comprises at least two components (user and global).

So that makes for three locations, if you consider both the alphabetical and orthodox portions of the Windows 10 Start Menu.

Left side (alphabetical app names):

  • Global: %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
  • User: %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\

The orthodox (right side tiles) of the Win10 startmenu is the binary hive at:

  • Orthodox: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\Database\vedatamodel.edb

Note that this orthodox tile-menu hive is of fixed 1024KB size (which likely explains the reputed limit of 500 entries) and fixed date (which likely indicates the purported secret things going on inside of Win10 that I can't myself explain but maybe others can explain).

As proof of concept, (as admin or another user) you can COPY the entire binary orthodox "Database" hive, and then change your Windows 10 orthodox menus, and then copy back your archived orthodox hive, and you'd get your old menus back.

Harold Jones

Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 11

%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer - This folder no longer exists (checked on Windows 10 18363 / version 1909) – ManSamVampire – 2020-01-01T08:44:27.753


as per DodiNj answer, these are the "source folders" for the Start Menu:

%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

But... I would also suggest to check if the same program is referenced by two shortcuts: in that case ONLY ONE ICON is displayed in the Start Menu, so you cannot see it in another folder. It seems you cannot have the same application twice in the Start Menu, even if you use links with different name or placed in different sub-folders. I had a similar issue, just leave one shortcut for one program.


Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 1

1by the way, this can be an implicit confirmation about the db that uses different sources but eventually it allows (or returns) one record per app. – doraz – 2017-12-15T11:28:13.997


The single proprietary multi-file binary Win10 StartMenu database is located at: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\Database\

Harold Jones

Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 1

%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer - This folder no longer exists (checked on Windows 10 18363 / version 1909) – ManSamVampire – 2020-01-01T08:45:48.120


Things being stored in some database is the silliest thing I've read. That's just not true. If you want to play around with your files and folders on the start menu, just go to this directory and you can adjust them as you like:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs


Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 1


I agree with the "silliest thing" part. Unfortunately it IS true. Even more silly is that in Windows 10 10240 this database was limited to about 500 entries; if you had more in your Start Menu folders (from which the database was populated) the 'extras' were just ignored. See http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/07/review-windows-10-is-the-best-version-yet-once-the-bugs-get-fixed/ , section title "A new Start menu, not necessarily a better one". Me, I just installed Start10 and said goodbye to the still-broken Windows Start Menu. I'll have to try Classic Shell sometime too.

– Jamie Hanrahan – 2016-02-13T23:23:14.117

It might, be silly, but you can't say it's not true. Open that folder and then open your start menu... now, try to find "Calendar", "Camera" and other bloatware in that folder, it's not there, is it? – TWiStErRob – 2016-07-17T11:13:30.843


I searched the hard drive for the file (In my case it was bytefence.exe) Found and deleted it.

I reopened start menu programs and then tried to load the program.

Windows showed an error message asking me if I wanted to delete the shortcut because the file no longer existed, I answered Yes and the Start Menu removed the link automatically.

Hope it helps you old fogies like me who were looking for a directory to remove. lol


Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 1


If you right click on some of the icons then you get an option to open file location. So I was looking for a way to add some useful shortcuts to the right of the menu. So I right clicked on "Computer Info" under the "System Tools" heading and opened its location (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs). I then added a new shortcut in that folder (for mstsc.exe) and it then appeared under the "System Tools" heading. You can then drag the shortcut to your preferred Heading if you want.

Kristian Benning

Posted 2015-08-20T20:59:57.390

Reputation: 1