One of the reasons I'm not currently on Ubuntu is that standby doesn't work well. It does one of the fallowing:
- doesn't go to standby
- crashes on standby
- crashes on resume from standby
This happened on Ubuntu 7.04, 8.04 and 8.10. I haven't tried 9.04 yet. I'm on a Dell Inspiron 17xx.
The question is:
On what Linux distribution, that you use frequently for desktop applications, didn't you problems with standby?
2The real question is not on what system I had no problem with standby... the problem is far too hardware-specific for that to get you a useful answer.
The question is, what hardware in your machine is preventing standby, and how to work around that? What GPU, what networking chip?
Note that on those machines where standby/resume worked for me, it also worked directly running the Live CD. So you might figure this out without installing... – yungchin – 2009-07-28T11:01:26.327
+1 - I have a similar problem on Fedora 10 on my Dell Inspiron 1700 (random crash on resume from standby) – a_m0d – 2009-07-15T07:38:30.687