Set shortcuts to change keyboard layout in Windows 10?



Is there any way to set keyboard shortcuts to quickly change to a different language/keyboard layout? The old shortcuts still seem to work (when set back in Windows 7), but I can't seem to find anything to change it in Windows 10.


Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 1 292

8Is Win+Space not good enough? or not what you are looking for? – Peter Hahndorf – 2015-08-18T07:36:35.133

2@Huh... never realized that function existed.. thanks! But I still want to find a way to at least remove the current shortcuts set up – Prime_Aqasix – 2015-08-19T04:50:07.217


Possible duplicate of How to disable Ctrl+Shift keyboard layout switch (for the same input language) in Windows?

– Tobias Kienzler – 2016-12-02T06:59:36.137



Go to Control PanelClock, Language, and RegionChange input methods (under Language) → Advanced settingsChange language bar hot keys.

"Control Panel → Clock, Language, and Region → Language → Advanced settings" and "Text Services and Input Languages"

Ivan Krivyakov

Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 1 312

3Yay, found it, for english users, it is in Control Panel -> Clock, Language, and Region -> Language -> Advanced Settings -> Change language hotbar keys (under Switching input methods). Thanks! – Prime_Aqasix – 2015-12-11T01:08:15.870

3I keep hitting one of these default shortcuts without realising it and before I know it I'm typing random nonsense all over Is it possible to change the WinKey + Space shortcut somewhere as well? – Toby – 2016-09-27T15:11:29.430

1This seems to have changed in some recent update to Windows 10. The interface is rather different, but this answer still helped me fix the situation. The update apparently cleared all the settings I had made before (in Windows 7 before upgrade to Windows 10)! In addition, the previous default was that the change worked on a per-window basis; now you need to check the checkbox for allowing different application windows to use different keyboard layouts. – Jukka K. Korpela – 2017-01-28T18:05:32.320

It's worth mentioning that there is a very limited set of pre-defined key sequences to choose from. I have the same shortcut, ctrl+right arrow, set up for toggling keyboard layout on two Macs and two Linux desktops. Nothing wrong with the answer, but a bad/sloppy design choice of Microsoft to restrict in this way. – Betamos – 2018-03-22T07:59:10.603

3Later update win10 1803 removed this panel, cannot set hotkey anymore. Don't update to 1803. – Tiw – 2018-05-08T07:35:28.807

@Betamos: After choosing a pre-defined key sequence, you can then change it to any possible key sequence by entering the VirtualKey code and the KeyModifier code directly into the registry, here (note that reboot is required to put it into effect): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Input Method\Hot Keys\0000xxxx – Avi Shmidman – 2018-07-11T19:00:37.390


@POW, 1803 just moved this panel. BTW, 1809 moved it again.

– i3v – 2018-10-20T19:55:27.267

1This is outdated, I could not find it. Why didn't anyone edit it to put the right path to it? – Leonardo Alves Machado – 2019-07-01T12:31:23.690


The menu in the accepted answer does not exist in Control Panel anymore on Windows 10 version 1803 (not sure about 1709 and older).

But the same setting is accessible from Modern Settings app → Time & Language → Region and Language → Advanced keyboard settings (from the Related settings section) → Language bar options → Advanced Key Settings tab.

Update: Windows 10 version 1809 moved this setting again. see i3v's answer.

Mahdi Ghiasi

Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 677

2Thank you, you saved me. What a slap from Microsoft again. – Youda008 – 2018-10-29T12:17:43.723

1Yes, this should be the accepted answer now! – antimirov – 2019-01-20T00:23:35.843

1This seems to be outdated - at least I could not find it (there is no Region and Language option, and the related options seems to vary depending on system). Why didn't anyone edit it to put the right path to it? – Leonardo Alves Machado – 2019-07-01T12:35:39.313

2They are using good coke in MS headquarters - change this shit every year – Toolkit – 2019-08-23T12:13:37.790


In Windows 10 version 1809 (also versions 1903 and 1909), the setting described in the accepted answer is here:

Settings -> Time & Language -> Language -> Spelling, typing, & keyboard settings -> Advanced keyboard settings -> Language bar options -> Advanced Key Settings.

Step-by-step screenshots.

Known issues

These hotkeys are quite buggy since 2012 or so. They may disappear (the setting is cleared or simply not working) after a windows update, after an RDP session, after logout/login, or even without any obvious reason.

There's one well-known workaround, that usually helps:

Settings -> Time & Language -> Language -> Administrative language settings -> Copy settings... -> tick both checkboxes -> OK.

If you ran into this, you may want to upvote some of these items on the FeedbackHub:

As a regular (non-insider) user:

  1. Input language hotkeys keep being reset every time Windows starts

  2. language bar hot keys are not reliable: a) sometimes they disappear ...

  3. Language bar hotkeys get erased after every RDP session

  4. Language bar hot key setting keeps resetting back to default I'm using 3 languages input

  5. When I set up language bar 'hot key' shortcuts to switch to keyboards with other alphabets, they are deleted whenever Windows restarts!

  6. Language hotkeys keep disappeared by itself every time the system was rebooted.

  7. Language hotkeys keep getting erased

  8. Windows auto reset language input hotkey in every reboot after I make changes to the setting.

As insider:

  1. Keyboard layout switching shortcuts disappear and do not work
  2. Hot keys for input languages getting erased on each windows feature update
  3. Keyboard layout changes randomly
  4. Windows keeps switching the language and keyboard input methods


Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 970

2Great answer! But where do your obfuscated links go? I don't trust that they're safe if I can't resolve the destination address. – CJ Dennis – 2019-04-17T01:19:49.050


@CJDennis, they are Feedback Hub share links, not web pages. I you'd like FH links to look more human-readable, you can vote for this my suggestion: as normal user, as insider.

– i3v – 2019-04-24T22:29:14.377

1Only answer that helped me. Insanely hidden setting in this crazy GUI! – wim – 2019-06-27T16:51:17.963

Another step-by-step that is outdated. Following the screenshots on the link, we just can't find step 4 when we have English system and Portuguese keyboard. – Leonardo Alves Machado – 2019-07-01T12:20:52.813

@LeonardoAlvesMachado, what's your windows 10 version? – i3v – 2019-07-01T16:09:26.757

Just checked the version, and I found out that this Windows 10 is personalized for my company. Maybe that's why some of the options seems to be absent (or maybe they have different labels). – Leonardo Alves Machado – 2019-07-01T16:41:57.370

@LeonardoAlvesMachado, Windows 10 Enterprise might be heavily customized, but still there should be a build number (and a version number) in Settings->System->About and in winver. Usually, corporate users avoid deploying bleeding-edge builds, so I doubt your version is newer than 1903. But it might be older than 1809.

– i3v – 2019-07-01T16:52:47.007

The version is 1809 – Leonardo Alves Machado – 2019-07-01T16:55:45.083

@LeonardoAlvesMachado quite weird then. – i3v – 2019-07-02T20:19:53.027

Thanks. I’d love to upvote the bugs because I’ve been suffering from them for years, but none of your regular user links work. The first 4 show a web page saying “This content is available only in the Feedback Hub app on Windows 10”, the last one actually opens the feedback hub, with a message “your account doesn’t have access to this feedback”. – Soonts – 2019-09-19T15:46:39.163

@Soonts, thanks for noticing! This seem to be yet another MS bug. I've also reported it here (insider/non-insider). Interestingly, initially, I saw “your account doesn’t have access to this feedback” for link #5 too, after clicking ~3 times it works now... I've added non-insider-FH links #6..#8 and marked #1..#4 as broken.

– i3v – 2019-10-13T18:35:33.547

This method is no longer available; the advanced keyboard settings link has been removed. – Hsien-Chih Chang 張顯之 – 2020-01-22T19:07:05.833

@Hsien-ChihChang張顯之, I've just checked version 1909 - it works. Which version do you have? – i3v – 2020-01-22T20:13:24.320

Ah, I was on version 1903; after updating to 1909 everything is back to normal. – Hsien-Chih Chang 張顯之 – 2020-01-23T03:41:54.223


Windows key + Space is the new shortcut for switching keyboard layout!


Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 542

12Please read the question again carefully. Your answer does not answer the original question. – DavidPostill – 2016-12-01T12:22:15.547

2On my system switching layouts does not work correctly using language switching. The question is asking for switching layouts, not languages. – arkod – 2016-12-01T12:34:10.990

1OP is asking how to change the shortcuts and remove existing ones. Your answer does not address that. – DavidPostill – 2016-12-01T12:37:44.803

If you know how to change the shortcut for changing layout please let me know. Windows key + space is the way to change layout. – arkod – 2016-12-01T13:06:24.630

1@arkod - Please read the question again carefully. Your answer does not answer the original question. "I still want to find a way to at least remove the current shortcuts set up" Notice your suggestion, was suggested, over a year ago and the author indicated it didn't answer this question. – Ramhound – 2016-12-01T14:48:52.757

Might not be a complete one, but it is a very useful answer - better than the others the were upvoted that does not exists anymore. – Leonardo Alves Machado – 2019-07-01T12:13:14.253


Just wanted to add to accepted answer. I am using Apple keyboard on Windows 10 here and the best way for me to switch input language is to turn off shortcut "Between input languages" completely and instead set individual shortcuts for each input language, for example:

  • Left Alt + Shift + 1(US Keyboard)
  • Left Alt + Shift + 2(UK Keyboard)
  • Left Alt + Shift + 3(Any other input language)
  • Left Alt + Shift + ...
  • Left Alt + Shift + 0(10th input language)

I find this setting the only one that doesn't disturb my work all the time as occasionally pressing Alt + Shift changes language when it is not needed. Also if to remove all shortcuts from the settings then holding WIN(CMD on apple keyboard) followed by [space](press multiple times to iterate the list) or [1,2,3..] or [Select with mouse] works well too.

Constantin Zagorsky

Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 151


Unfortunately this has changed in the latest Windows 10 update. You now need to go to 'Languages' and then 'Advanced settings' in Control panel, and choose 'Change language bar hot keys':

enter image description here

Which will then bring up this dialogue from which you can change the hot key by clicking 'Change Key Sequence...'

enter image description here

Jack Aidley

Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 188

3In the current Windows, i can't even easily get to the plain old Control Panel, and when i do, there is no more a 'Language' item. – Youda008 – 2018-10-29T12:22:19.083


For the latest Windows version since late 2018/ early 2019, Microsoft has changed this:

  1. select "Language Preferences" from the Task Bar/ Language options control (docked language bar)
  2. Select "Spelling, typing, & keyboard settings" under "Related Settings" at the top right.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom, then under "More keyboard settings", select "Advanced keyboard settings".
  4. Under "Switching input methods", select "Language bar options".
  5. Choose the "Advanced Key Settings" tab.
  6. Press the button at the bottom of the window: "Change Key Sequence…"

I hope Microsoft will not leave these vital settings in such an obscure place, in the long term (that they will at least give more convenient alternative ways of adjusting these settings!) The default settings are infuriating: I am forever accidentally pressing CTRL+SHIFT and accidentally switching between keyboard layouts…

Matthew Slyman

Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 31


For Windows 10 version 1803 I found the option in this location, they had moved it from the control panel to settings.

  1. Open up "Settings" by searching for it in the windows menu.
  2. Go to "Region & language" on the left hand side and click "Advanced keyboard setting" on the right hand side.
  3. Here you can find the "Language bar option"
  4. Change the hotkey by pressing "Change Key Sequence"

Step 1 picture

Step 2 picture

Step 3 picture

Step 4 picture


Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 21

Welcome to StackOverflow! Given the number of similar answers to this question, this answer would be more helpful if you specified which Windows version and build you are using. As a new contributor, you will find that you will have a better experience if you take moment to take the Stack Overflow [tour]. If you follow the norms of the Stack Overflow community and approach it with an attitude of helping others too, it will serve you well. – Rey Juna – 2018-12-05T22:33:38.657

Welcome to Super User. Unfortunately, your answer duplicates content from several other answers. The intention is that each answer should contribute something new. – fixer1234 – 2018-12-05T22:43:09.497


I'm running Windows Server 2019 at work and the setting is (again) in a different spot. Since any and all tooling you might use on a Server uses hotkeys, many of which start with the Ctrl + Shift or Left Alt + Shift that trigger the language switch, the only reasonable setting is to have those turned off.

Here's how:

SettingsDevicesTyping (left panel) → Advanced keyboard settings (right panel, bottom) → Language bar optionsAdvanced Key Settings (the right-most tab in the new window) → Change Key Sequence... (button at the bottom) → Not Assigned (top option)

The Win + Space hot-key still works after turning the above setting to Not Assigned, so you can still switch easily without switching accidentally.


Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 146

1This works on Windows 10 version 1903 build 18362.295. – Zdeněk Gromnica – 2019-08-31T23:15:44.387


an easier way to do it is:

  • hold left Alt
  • press Shift once (keep holding Alt)

a small menu should appear on the right side of the screen with your language

  • press 1, 2, etc. to select the option you want
  • release Alt


Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 1


This seems to be basically the same as Constantin Zagorsky’s answer (posted 2½ years ago), with at least some overlap with Jack Aidley’s answer (posted 1½ years ago).

– Scott – 2019-06-20T15:09:55.023


None of the answers work for me as of date; right now, to open "Text Services and Input Languages" one has to run the following:

Rundll32 Shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL input.dll,,{C07337D3-DB2C-4D0B-9A93-B722A6C106E2}


Hsien-Chih Chang 張顯之

Posted 2015-08-18T06:56:17.763

Reputation: 101