How can I create a RAM disk and install Firefox into it?


I've a Fedora 22 64-bits system running under a notebook with Intel Core i3 processor and 7.7GB of RAM. I only use about 2~3GB of RAM (with everything I need) and I want to speed up my system, so I've searched and I found some informations about RAM disk.

A friend of mine tell me that I can install Firefox, Sublime Text and other small programs on my RAM disk, so I can start it directly from the RAM (what will make them run much faster). I have read some answers here on StackOverflow but it didn't helped me at all. I've a bunch of questions, can you help me?

My questions are:

  1. Can I install Firefox, Sublime Text or other small programs on my RAM disk to speed them up?
  2. Should I do that? If so, how I can achieve this?

P.S: I'm coursing Science Computer, so I'm very open to know new things about Linux.

Thank you!

Fernando Paladini

Posted 2015-08-15T21:02:58.577

Reputation: 721

1Please consider breaking up your question into separate questions - although they are related some of your questions will attract opinionated answers. – albal – 2015-08-15T21:45:37.110

I've edited the question, thanks for the advise. – Fernando Paladini – 2015-08-15T22:12:10.573

I also should have said there is a Unix & Linux site in stackexchange - if you are really interested in the guts of GNU/Linux then there is Linux From Scratch

– albal – 2015-08-15T22:22:02.563

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