Display my ps3 on my Laptop Screen


I want to connect my PS3 to my Laptop Screen Display, with a HDMI Cable, I want it only with HDMI or only AV I don't have anything else, and could you please explane it quite clear as I am not that a proffesional windows user.

p.s. I am also not sure if this question is within the scope of this community, if not then sorry I am new here and could you recommend maybe a place where I can ask this.

I want to play with my on my ps3 and see through my Laptop Screen.

Igor Tatarnikov

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 243



Not possible without additional hardware. What you’d need is a HDMI grabber, like these. Of course, whether the latency induced by such a device would still be acceptable is yet another issue.

Daniel B

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 40 502

what do you mean there is no actual way to change the the display source of the laptop to the hdmi, with out any additional external hardware? – Igor Tatarnikov – 10 years ago

3That’s right. All your laptop’s display connectors are outputs. That means they will not accept any incoming image data. – Daniel B – 10 years ago

so this is definate, For sure. No way connectors can act as an input?, I am so Disspointed. any way thanks for making it clear – Igor Tatarnikov – 10 years ago

Yes, that’s right. – Daniel B – 10 years ago