Opera 31: Remove default Search Engines?



Up to and including Opera 30 you could follow this link here which simply directs you to delete some .json file containing the default search engines.

Starting today, with the latest Opera update 31.something, this trick does no longer work. If the default_partner_content.json file is missing (or things are deleted from it), Opera will complain on startup and ask for a reinstall. Putting the file back in place restores Opera to working, but the default search engines are there obviously...

Has anyone found a new way to get rid of the default search engines?

(If I accidentally search that ridiculous yahoo again instead of youtube, as configured by me, I will lose my sh**.)

fgysin reinstate Monica

Posted 2015-08-12T17:12:22.690

Reputation: 2 228



Go to opera://about to display your installation paths

  • From [root]/profile :

Remove default_partner_content.json and copy siteprefs.json to [root]/[version]/resources

  • From [root] :

Remove default_partner_content.json then rename siteprefs.json to default_partner_content.json and set it read-only

As you may know, agreements with search engine providers are an important source of income for the company.

Opera & search engines


Posted 2015-08-12T17:12:22.690

Reputation: 780

4And forgoing configurability is an important source of driving away the user base of the few % of super users they still have... – fgysin reinstate Monica – 2015-08-13T12:32:58.040

2The default Amazon and Bing searches aren't secure (https) in v34.0 here so security would be a poor excuse. – contrebis – 2016-01-18T10:52:44.960

1In fact, looking at the default_partner_content.json file, even more are redirected through http ad partner URLs so, yeah. Nice job Opera. – contrebis – 2016-01-18T10:58:24.620

On OS X 10.11.3 & Opera 35.0, installation root does not contain default_partner_content.json. How to adapt this process to OS X? – thSoft – 2016-02-17T12:44:22.550

@Marcin the same issue *installation root* doesn't contain any default_partner_content.json or profile folder – nazar_art – 2017-02-12T09:25:18.940

@fgysin Attacking an income source of a gratis product from an ideological position shared by a small minority is futile. Privacy has become another currency, and virtually every human being blissfully pays with it day in day out. People have to re-learn that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and if they refuse to pay transparently with money, they pay in more obfuscated ways. If you'd like your privacy back, you'll have to educate Homo Ignorantis or achieve world domination. – Someone – 2017-08-01T14:26:28.837

2This is not about privacy - it is about usability and configurability. I have seen big projects (even companies) fail because they drove away users by sacrificing usability to ad revenues... I'd hate to see Opera go down this road. – fgysin reinstate Monica – 2017-08-02T09:00:56.467

i'm not seeing these paths in Mint 19 xfce – johny why – 2018-08-05T18:53:38.570

1Thank you so much! Confirms working for OSX 10.14.5 and Opera 62.0.3331.66. Finally! – zcahfg2 – 2019-07-23T09:40:37.673


For Opera 36.0.2130.65 editing the %operaversion%/resources/default_partner_content.json succeed on Ubuntu and Windows.

Open the file in vim and remove lines, other than Google, from "search_engines": { constructs in that file, so it should look like the following:

  "search_engines": {
    "location": {
      "at": {                  // a language code 
        "other": {
          "list": [
            // yahoo and all others wiped there
          "speed_dial_index_list": [0]
      "au": {
        "other": {
          "list": [
          "speed_dial_index_list": [0]

And so on in all language sections. Sorry I can not paste the whole file.

Edit this file, keep a copy and set the edited file to be read-only and/or set opera://flags/#first-run-partner-content-update to disabled.


Posted 2015-08-12T17:12:22.690

Reputation: 11

1Hmm interesting, so do you reckon they disabled the file consistency checks? From Opera 31 on a single byte change in one of the files lead to an error and aborted startup... – fgysin reinstate Monica – 2016-04-20T06:07:46.423

I don't see Yahoo listed under the list for "us" and yet it's one of my default search engines. I don't care so much about removing it as I do about rescuing the "y" keyword, but searching for "yahoo" and changing keyword to "" doesn't work ... it just resets it to "y" upon startup, even with the flag you suggested set to disabled. – swrobel – 2016-07-21T21:26:42.027


It's a well known issue. It's driven a lot of people away!

Here's a 'hack' which involves changing the launcher in itself. It works though!

(Source: http://forums.opera.com/discussion/1848915/opera-25-remove-yahoo-from-default-search-engines/p1)

  1. Hit "WINDOWS KEY" + "E" (to) open the Windows Explorer - browse to your own files or where you want the script to reside
  2. Right click in that directory --> "New" --> "New text file" and name it "OperaLauncher.BAT.txt"
  3. Open that file in Notepad (or preferably Notepad++ if you got that) Paste the following code to it:

@echo off & setlocal  set "OperaProgRoot=C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera"
set "OperaLauncherExe=%OperaProgRoot%\launcher.exe"  set

"GetV=%Temp%\GetV.vbs"  echo Set
echo Set colFiles=objWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM CIM_Datafile
WHERE Name='"^&Replace(WScript.Arguments(0),"\","\\")^&"'")>>"%GetV%" 
echo For Each objFile in colFiles: WScript.Echo objFile.version:
Next>>"%GetV%"  set Version=  for /f %%i in ('cscript //nologo
"%GetV%" "%OperaLauncherExe%"') do set "Version=%%i"  if defined
Version echo %OperaLauncherExe% - Version %Version%  del "%GetV%"  IF

"default_partner_content.json.BAK"  : LAUNCH_OPERA 

I then took that .bat file and assigned the Opera 'O' icon to it, and removed the original shortcut.


Posted 2015-08-12T17:12:22.690

Reputation: 660

Wasn't able to make this work... Also this seems to be just a script for the old Opera-v25 hack, which, as the OP clearly states, does not work anymore on Opera-v31+. – fgysin reinstate Monica – 2015-09-07T17:56:27.557