Terminal reset troubles



According to the MinGW setup program, I have the bash shell installed. When I attempt to issue a reset, I get:

sh: reset: command not found

Bash responds to the reset command in every other environment I've worked it, and I'm having trouble getting reset to work under MinGW.

I tried to ensure that bash is used rather than sh, but I can't seem to make heads or tails of 6.2 Bash Startup Files. I looked for a passwd and shadow passwd file, but there does not appear to be one. So the best I can tell, I have a bash that's not being used as bash due to an unknown process or influence...

I also tried sending the command echo -e \\033c and CTLRL+L called out by 4. Resetting your terminal, but that does not work as expected. ("Does not work" is an exercise left to MinGW users to see the effects).

I also have the gettext and ncurses packages installed.

I have two simple questions:

  1. How do I ensure "bash" bash is always used, and not some variation like "sh" bash

  2. How do I invoke the reset command to clear the terminal?

Above, when I say "clear", its meant as a description, and not the command. I want to erase everything that's on the screen and in the scrollback history.


Posted 2015-08-12T12:43:40.700

Reputation: 1

I haven't seen an ncurses package for mingw. – Thomas Dickey – 2015-08-22T00:53:37.210

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