IntelliJ IDEA doesn't recognize Super-key as part of shortcuts on Fedora 22 (Gnome 3.16)



Intellij IDEA doesn't recognize the Super_L/Meta-key as part of a shortcut or individually, while Super_R is strangely recognized as "Windows"-key. Both as part of existing shortcuts (no recognition, so Meta+Strg+J is the same as Strg+J) or when trying to use it in the shortcut search (just pressing it opens the Gnome shell-menu, but otherwise same behaviora s above)

This seems to be a pure Intellij Idea problem, because shortcuts involving either Super_L or Super_R are properly detected and the keys are also labeled properly (e.g. not as "Windows"-key).

This should also not be part of this problem, because the related bug got fixed.

I installed Intellij Idea 14.1.4 via Fedy


Posted 2015-08-08T22:24:26.713

Reputation: 103



I am having the same problem with CLion. Considering the IDEs use the same base source a fix here should apply for IntelliJ as well.

Opened issue at:


Posted 2015-08-08T22:24:26.713

Reputation: 389

Following links from there, it looks like they added a workaround: add to editor's Custom Properties.

– keturn – 2017-11-11T21:33:59.190