Cannot completely disable DPI scaling


I have an old (1995 old) image program that needs to display high-resolution images.

I tried different settings, but I always get one of the following effects:

Display at 200% scale, run program normally: the program completely displays at 200% and I actually see less image detail than my old PC. I didn't buy a high-res screen to see less-res.

Display at 200% scale, run program with "Disable display scaling on high DPI setting": Image in the application displays 1:1 which is what I want, but the interface is completely screwed up. Three quarters of the GUI elements display at 200% and often their contents only occupy the upper-left quarter.

Display at 100% scale, program run normally: the program completely displays at 100% (what I want!) but all other windows programs too, and I can't read **** anymore.

Why does the "Disable display scaling on high DPI setting" in the shortcut properties not work as advertised?? I read multiple pages and fora on this subject and in the end they all simply recommend enabling this option, and everyone seems happy, so why isn't it working here?

Mark Jeronimus

Posted 2015-08-07T18:46:02.200

Reputation: 517

Have you considered setting the DPI to 100% and set the font size to everything to a higher size? It will not scale everything, but it should do the trick. – LPChip – 2015-08-07T18:52:32.400

Tried that in the past on windows 7 and it screws up more than it does good (something like the inverse of case #2 in my question). I tried it now and same result. I changed all 6 types of font to double their size, but dialog and menu bar text size is not changed.

– Mark Jeronimus – 2015-08-07T19:00:38.383

Hmm yeah, that doesn't work. It was worth a try though. – LPChip – 2015-08-07T19:02:22.927

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