Can't tab lists, but can backspace or shift-tab them in word 2010


I am trying to have an outline follow the format

  1. List item (with a subsection under this one)
  2. List item
  3. List item

However, word isn't letting me "tab" to create subsection. I can backspace and shift tab to reverse the outline process. I have tried going into autoformat as you type and the box is checked next to "set left and first indents with tab and backspace".

Screenshot: List


Posted 2015-08-07T14:15:42.987

Reputation: 1

After the 1. List item you want to press Enter (this will continue the list and insert "2."). From there just press Tab. You should have a subsection for "1." – zain.ali – 2015-08-07T14:19:54.353

@zain.ali I have tired that and it worked before (previous pages) but it isn't working now... – Danielle – 2015-08-07T14:20:10.540

Have you reached the level limit? How many levels in are you? – MC10 – 2015-08-07T14:57:45.177



You can manually change the list level.

Change List Level


Posted 2015-08-07T14:15:42.987

Reputation: 7 590

I have tried that too. It messes up the List 1 items so instead of going 1. then sub text 2. then subtext; it goes 1. subtext 1. subtext 1. subtext. It doesn't register the "main" list – Danielle – 2015-08-07T14:25:38.417

Could you add some screenshots to the post? Don't worry if you can't embed them. The links will be fine or we can edit them in for you. – MC10 – 2015-08-07T14:27:54.290

I am sorry! It wont let me inset a picture...something about 10 reputation "points" there any other way to send you one? – Danielle – 2015-08-07T14:32:54.740