How to show seconds on the Windows 10 tray clock



How do I show seconds on the Windows tray clock? I've tried the advanced options in the control panel, but I'm not sure how do I do it. Is it like hh:mm:ss or is it something else?


Posted 2015-08-04T03:31:22.383

Reputation: 173

The only way is by using 3rd party apps and this should be discouraged because anything which supports this must also redraw that area of the task bar every second. This lowers performance, the best way is to click on it if you want to watch seconds tick by. – krowe – 2015-08-04T04:58:58.300

I thought I needed to type a specific option like hh:mm:ss or something like that, and that's it? The 3rd party app I was using doesn't have support for Windows 10. – Excel-Awesome – 2015-08-04T05:05:18.903

1The dialog you would type that into specifically says that s doesn't work for short time formats and that is what is used by the clock. I highly doubt there is even a registry setting for using long time format because of the aforementioned refresh difference. I don't know every option for every version of Windows and I definitely don't know every option in the registry for every version of Windows. Still, I highly doubt that the option exists without a third party app. Don't worry though, there are plenty which do this, just look for them. – krowe – 2015-08-04T05:15:48.383

3rd party app I was using has no support for Windows 10, got any alternatives? – Excel-Awesome – 2015-08-04T05:20:27.517

Sorry, I use 7 and I don't like things which need to write over system files to install. If I was going to do this I'd just grab a gadget that does it (and it'd be one of the stock gadgets since those were discontinued). – krowe – 2015-08-04T05:21:44.953

There are apps that restore default gadgets exe file to Windows 8 & 10 But installing all of this just for two numbers to show up on the tray clock? Hell no! – Excel-Awesome – 2015-08-04T05:25:26.417

This MSDN article is relevant and explains why the seconds counter was removed from the clock.

– Burgi – 2016-03-14T09:59:47.427



*Source : How to Show Seconds in Taskbar Clock in Windows 10?

  1. Start Regedit.exe and go to the following registry branch:


  1. Create a REG_DWORD value named ShowSecondsInSystemClock

  2. Set its value data to 1.

  3. Logoff and login back.

This adds seconds to the tray clock.

Works in Windows 10 Anniversary Update (v1607) and higher.


Posted 2015-08-04T03:31:22.383

Reputation: 8 611

An easy trick. Works great without any trouble. – Gnampf – 2017-01-29T09:54:27.713

6Instead of logging off and on again, you can also restart Explorer.exe. Just use the Task Manager, find explorer.exe and click 'Restart'. – Bart Friederichs – 2017-02-09T09:49:27.650


7+ Taskbar Tweaker Beta can enable seconds on the standard Taskbar clock.


Posted 2015-08-04T03:31:22.383

Reputation: 41

Could you possibly expand your answer to explain why you recommend this particular software over the other ones suggested? – Burgi – 2016-03-14T09:43:16.973

7+TT has loads of features which make the taskbar much more useful. I'm not a "tweaker" and try to keep bloat on my PC to the absolute minimum, but I wouldn't be without it. it's not just for visual toys; these are real producivity tweaks for people who use a lot of windows at the same time. – Andy – 2016-04-01T13:17:16.527

@Burgi, Like Andy said, it contains more than just tweaking the clock, but the tweak is just that, it tweaks the clock that is already there to show seconds, without replacing the clock like the other apps do.

One downside is, as it does tweak the OS's clock, seconds are displayed on Windows 10's lockscreen but they don't update. – Paul – 2016-04-02T13:30:39.943


Alternatively , Since windows 10 supports the apps , you should be able to find digital clock app in windows store and install it.

Windows 10 Store

App Store Youtube Video


How to enable gadgets on Windows 10

You can enable gadgets for windows 10 which is not recommended anymore by Microsoft and add digital clock to your desktop.

Windows 10 Gadgets Download link :


Go to github using the link below , Download the zip file at the bottom of the page like in the shared below. Unzip it , after unzipping it , you will have a folder then open the folder , you will see clock.exe double click on it . if your operating system 64 bit then double click on clock64.exe , then you should be able to see clock.

Git Hub

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


Install free desktop clock , it is compatible with windows 8 most probably will work with windows 10 FREE DESKTOP CLOCK


Posted 2015-08-04T03:31:22.383

Reputation: 189

That's an app, not for the tray clock, like I wanted! – Excel-Awesome – 2015-08-04T05:37:42.100

1@Excel-Awesome: "3rd party app I was using has no support for Windows 10, got any alternatives? " -- Seems like this is responsive to your comment, at least. – fixer1234 – 2015-08-04T06:11:40.497

1you may use github solution above , at least try it , most probably will work – mussdroid – 2015-08-04T06:12:42.737