Can I hide the "Note" and "Share" buttons in Microsoft Edge?



So, Windows 10 is out and their new web browser "Edge" doesn't seem like the worst thing in the World, but I can't seem to find the customization I'm used to.

Specifically I would like to hide/remove these buttons: enter image description here

Any way to do that currently?

Bonus question: While making this question, I noticed that right clicking an image had neither a "show image" option nor a "copy address". How can I find the direct URL of an image in Microsoft Edge?


Posted 2015-07-31T15:52:21.667

Reputation: 153

Just don't press the icons then... – Lenne – 2016-07-24T12:25:44.880



No, there is no way to hide those buttons currently. The best way to request it is via the Windows Feedback app and/or the Microsoft Edge forum on the Windows UserVoice.

The same applies to finding the URL of an image, though in the meantime you could use "Inspect Element" to get the URL out of the dev tools.

Charles Morris - MSFT

Posted 2015-07-31T15:52:21.667

Reputation: 370

/r/softwaregore – Nearoo – 2017-03-16T22:39:23.173