error installing cmder, which visual c++ redistributable do you suggest?


I have visual studio 2014 2013

cmder.exe says

enter image description here

this page seems to suggest installing the visual c++ redistributable.. some say 2010, some say 2015.

I don't know if I have it. I have Visual Studio 2013. I don't want to end up possibly downgrading what I might have, by installing the C++ redistributable 2010. And I don't want to perhaps get some incompatibility by installing a version like 2015 when I have VS 2013. I'm not even sure if version of C++ (e.g. 2010 , 2015) redistributable has any relationship with version of visual studio (2013 or 2015).


Posted 2015-07-30T00:33:06.220

Reputation: 18 677


You can have every version of the C++ Redistributable installed on the same machine. What version you need entirely depends on what version the the program uses. So I suggest you install that version x64 and x86. In simple terms, you don't have the version of the C++ Redistributable, the program requires installed.

– Ramhound – 2015-07-30T02:05:42.963

Evidence - Update to VS2015. – Ramhound – 2015-07-30T02:08:47.533

I can find zero evidence of Visual Studio 2014 even existing. Are you 100% you have VS2014 installed? This lists only VS2015, VS2013, and VS2012. Wikipedia so what version do you actually have installed? VS'14 was the codename for Visual Studio 2015. I still want to know what you have installed exactly.

– Ramhound – 2015-07-30T02:44:44.697

AT Ramhound you're right, it was VS 2013 I have (I confused it with SQL 2014!). – barlop – 2015-07-30T10:42:48.627

@Ramhound you can post your answer that you can install multiple, i'll accept it. I see them listed in programs and features, they're quite small I have some e.g. 2005, 2008,... , so I installed more eg 2015 and another year as well, and cmder works now. – barlop – 2015-07-30T12:19:58.347



ramhound basically answered it, but in the absence of him posting an answer, i'll post it.

error installing cmder, which visual c++ redistributable do you suggest?

It's normal to have multiple installed. And they're not huge.. recent years are about 20MB. More give more compatibility.

ctrl panel..programs and features, shows what ones you have installed. cmder is working now so I installed the right one(s) for it.

enter image description here


Posted 2015-07-30T00:33:06.220

Reputation: 18 677