How can login to other TRU64 from Linux?


i want to connect to a TRU64 machine from Linux system same as:

"login a client to a windows network how can login from all machine from on that network"

now i can connect to a TRU64 machine with VNC but that not my aim, i want connect directly to x-server from a TRU64 machine.


Posted 2015-07-26T14:42:27.957

Reputation: 3

I am not sure I understand, TRU64 hosts often have IP, why don't you ssh from one host to another ? – Archemar – 2015-07-27T06:57:18.673

@Archemar, I want to run a graphical application on TRU64 in X-Wndows system – user3121138 – 2015-07-27T17:31:21.447

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