Is it possible to tweak Steam's download bandwith limit settings?


In Settings > Downloads > Download Restrictions, we can limit the download bandwidth to one of a number of predefined speeds. Is it possible to set arbitrary values (for example, in some file) to better match our connections?


Posted 2015-07-24T18:13:21.210

Reputation: 18 859



Here is a way I've come across whilst googling for this myself. It involves editing steam's config file.  Here's the solution, taken from Reddit:

For those who want to set a custom download speed limit, to download a game and do whatever else on your computer here is how you do it. Close Steam before doing this or it won't work.

  1. Go into your Steam directory, under this directory open the config directory. (Commonly C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config)
  2. Go into the config directory and edit the config.vdf file.
  3. Find the "DownloadThrottleKbps" and set it to the desired speed. (Take the number you want, so 2.7 MB/s in my case, multiply by 8000 to get 21600)
  4. Save the file and open steam, verify that it is working.


Posted 2015-07-24T18:13:21.210

Reputation: 26