ubuntu installation on windows XP - why downloading when the iso image is in CD


I need to install ubuntu on windows XP. i got a cd from my friend with the ubuntu installation files I selected the option to install ubuntu inside windows xp (d:) but after the first steps it says "Downloading ...iso.torrent" and says 7 hours remaining

My question: when the iso file is in local cd why does the installer search for the files from the net


Posted 2009-12-08T16:27:15.880




Please see this FAQ entry, question "Can I use an existing ISO/CD instead of letting Wubi download a new one?". You might have needed to put the CD in the computer first, or the ISO was not the right version for your machine.


Posted 2009-12-08T16:27:15.880

Reputation: 3 831


I would start the installation again, but this time do not install from within Windows. A Wubi install is slower and less stable than a properly partitioned Ubuntu install.

Restart the computer and this time ensure that the PC boots from the CD.


Posted 2009-12-08T16:27:15.880

Reputation: 4 399