"Not Enough Space" for Autocad Inventor Installation


Today, I installed Autodesk Inventor 2016 on a new (in the last month) Windows 8.1 computer.

The install appeared to run OK, but it missed a couple of files due to my moving and renaming of the Public Documents, Downloads, Music, etc. folders.

Fine, no problem. I just rename the folders to what Autocad is expecting:

/Public/Public Documents -> /Public/Documents.

Then I fully uninstall Autocad Inventor.

-- No Problems so far --

But then I try to reinstall. Checking requirements... and then:

Out of disk space

It's trying to install 14.5 MB on a 0 size, 0 space disk.

What is going on here?


Posted 2015-07-18T19:11:32.230

Reputation: 101

That does not look like a windows dialog but an autodesk dialog – Ramhound – 2015-07-18T20:32:37.840

It very well might be... Should I have posted on a different SE site? – Kent – 2015-07-18T20:35:29.967

You tell us if it it, if it's not a windows dialog, it won't have a process. But the volume with 0 space also has no drive letter – Ramhound – 2015-07-18T20:42:53.633

It appears to be an inventor window :( – Kent – 2015-07-18T21:04:36.987



Run as Administrator:

setup.exe /t /qb /c INSTALLDIR="C:\Autodesk\Inventor 2016" PROMPTROLLBACKCOST=P



Posted 2015-07-18T19:11:32.230

Reputation: 6 180

No good, it's a custom installer. – Kent – 2015-07-18T21:52:03.760