How do I replace the dump of my USB recovery media with a more simple EFI partition in this situation?


The situation is as follows:

  • this is a new Dell Precision M3800;
  • it comes with a Windows 8.1 pro version and a USB recovery medium;
  • the machine uses UEFI;
  • I immediately scratched Windows and installed Ubuntu 15.04 on it;
  • and my Windows version now runs in a VM.

The VM is as follows:

  • it is a qemu x86_64 VM (virt-manager shows the emulator as being /usr/bin/kvm-spice);
  • legacy firmware, not UEFI;
  • there are two disks: the second is a dump (using dd) of the USB recovery medium, the first is the disk where the Windows install actually resides.

But as I went a little too fast, I botched the install somewhat and the disk where Windows resides is not bootable; I have to keep the dump of the USB recovery medium...

There are a lot of documentations on the net about EFI, GPT, etc but I have failed so far to find a guide telling me how to go about creating a simple "EFI disk" to replace that USB dump. If that helps, I do have another external USB medium which boots Ubuntu, so I can probably use that, I just don't know how...

So, is it possible to replace that USB dump with a more simple, "bare bones" EFI disk image? If yes, how to proceed?


Posted 2015-07-17T06:25:13.573

Reputation: 573

if you just want a UEFI bootable windows installation disk, format the USB to FAT32 then copy all contents from Windows 8.1 ISO to it. – Chris.C – 2015-07-17T08:51:17.940

@Chris.C this is what I already have in fact (by having dded the raw USB device to a file); what I'd like is a minimal EFI boot manager instead of the full dump – fge – 2015-07-17T08:56:17.157

the UEFI bios is capable of selecting and booting multiple EFI systems which kinda serve the purpose of traditional boot manager, or maybe sth. like this?

– Chris.C – 2015-07-17T09:06:46.780

@Chris.C uh, I am not familiar with (U)EFI; it looks like it would be able to fit my needs, but then what about OVMF as a firmware? Really, I have a lot of trouble understanding all of this :/ – fge – 2015-07-17T10:01:56.077

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