Sideloading/installing windows store application



I have a windows 8.1 universal application with cpu archs specific dependencies.

As i understand i can use Add-AppxProvisionedPackage to install an application without installing the certificate in my trust store ? (not sure about this) and skipping the licencse.

i logged into a win 8.1 tablet with administrator rights. I ran this command Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath C:\MyApp.appx -DependencyPackagePath C:\Depepdencypath -SkipLicense.

It returned the result of Path : Online : True Restart Needed : False

But i cannot see my application in the tiles. Do i have to login as a separate user ? but shouldn't admin also able to view it ?

My machine has the developer license installed though but not the certificate. I am kind of confused with this cmdlet.




Posted 2015-07-14T06:50:48.523

Reputation: 121



From the thread How to re-install a provisioned package? comes this advice :

Please try the following command to bring it back :

import-module appx
add-appxpackage SampleApp

The add-AppxProvisionedPackage command line is used to deploy the packages for all the users in the machine and the add-appxpackage command line is used for specific user.


Posted 2015-07-14T06:50:48.523

Reputation: 306 093