Come September Google want npapi to RIP - https://www.chromium.org/developers/npapi-deprecation
What is a good strategy to prevent Chrome from updating beyond version 44 or a similar workaround?
Many sites/web-apps are likely to lag behind and still require Silverlight, or similar, so I would like to buy myself more time... open to all suggestions to avoid reverting to another browser.
Note that Netflix no longer requires Silverlight - they now offer an HTML5 video player: https://gigaom.com/2014/11/26/netflix-silverlight-chrome/
– sleske – 2015-09-04T12:32:34.8331@KCD - This isn't worth an answer. Google offers an Chrome add-on called Chrome Legacy Browser Support (Chrome LBS) for exactly this purpose. – Ramhound – 2015-10-27T18:36:26.677
@Ramhound sounds like the only answer – KCD – 2015-10-28T01:58:31.100