Practical uses for PS3 linux?



I've got a PS3 sitting around that i don't use much because I

a. don't have time for games b. don't have time for movies (bluray, dvd, and otherwise)

So I'm considering loading some flavor of linux onto it. Besides the gee-whiz-but-does-it-run-linux factor, can anyone suggest any practical uses for doing so?


Posted 16 years ago

Reputation: 3 481

Question was closed 15 years ago

5You don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, you can still play games and watch movies on a PS3 with Linux on it. – James McMahon – 16 years ago



About the same as having a pretty crappy computer running linux. Good for getting a hang of the operating system, basically.

If Linux on PS3 would have access to all of the cell processor it might be interesting as a development machine for harnessing the cell processors power. As it is, I can't see a good reason to run Linux on it.

Stefan Thyberg

Posted 16 years ago

Reputation: 3 925

This is very true. Linux is blocked from having full access to the cell processor, so Linux is pretty pointless to run on your PS3. p.s. I did run the Yellow Dog Linux back when I got my PS3 and it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. – superuser – 13 years ago

2Sad but completely true. It is too slow be useful at even basic tasks like web surfing or even light media center stuff. – James McMahon – 16 years ago


You can help with biomedical research via by installing Yellow Dog Linux and BOINC.

Folding@home is another biomedical application that simulates protein folding for use in research. It does not require Linux and is likely already installed on your PS3. See the link for more information.

Paused until further notice.

Posted 16 years ago

Reputation: 86 075

4You can actually participate in folding@home without needing to install Linux on your PS3. It is available as software for the PS3 os. – James McMahon – 16 years ago

@nemo: Thanks for the reminder. I've added a link to the info in my answer. Note, though, that the OP asked about Linux. – Paused until further notice. – 16 years ago


Here is student research project with clustering PS3

And look on wikipedia article about Linux on PS3


Posted 16 years ago

Reputation: 9 888