Too slow archlinux


I have both ubuntu (latest - 15.04 with fresh updates) and archlinux (latest) but when I boot in arch I have a problem: everything is slow as a snail.

On archlinux the flashplugin FREEZES the whole system - even cursor does not move when something is playing from both chromium and firefox browsers. I've enabled hardware acceleration in /etc/adobe/mms.cfg, my nvidia proprietary driver (352 version) works amazingly good in meaning of acceleration and opengl stuff. But this is not the only problem - when I try to compile something on archlinux, with make or make -j9 (fits my configuration fully) it does it extremely slow a little-little project compiles like 15 minutes.

On ubuntu I have no any issues with flash plugin everywhere. Also, exactly this project that compiles ages on archlinux I compile on ubuntu less than one minute. This problem is not only happens to compile or flash player but even responsiveness in the UI: on ubuntu it is working pretty good everywhere but on archlinux I have awesome-wm installed only without even any login managers - it freezes sometimes too. I don't even know where too look the problem.

My PC:

Intel Core i7 2600 (always turbo-boosted)

Compilers (both are slow, but clang is 1-2 minute slower than g++):

g++ (GCC) 5.1.0
clang version 3.6.1 (tags/RELEASE_361/final)

Victor Polevoy

Posted 2015-07-11T10:24:24.687

Reputation: 142

Does htop show any CPU usage on idle Arch? Also iotop for disk usage? dmesg for any sort of kernel errors? – user1686 – 2015-07-11T10:28:36.437

@grawity anything is okay in htop and iotop. No any errors in dmesg found. I've found some similiar behaviour of some people on the internet but these posts were made in 2013 and they were not solved. – Victor Polevoy – 2015-07-13T08:08:59.793

are you using the official kernel? – xuhdev – 2015-07-17T07:22:03.283

Yes, I use official kernel. – Victor Polevoy – 2015-07-17T07:35:11.217



Not sure why, but the problem is gone. What I did since posting this question is:

  1. fixed cpu - changed thermal compound, cleaned the whole pc. I did this because I found that my processor is very hot. I also noticed, when it is hot - it is much slower.
  2. updated the distro every day. So this may be a fix in the kernel or something.. Now everything is even better than in ubuntu.

Victor Polevoy

Posted 2015-07-11T10:24:24.687

Reputation: 142