Loading an .exe with .txt information


I have the Music Player Daemon version for Windows, running together with ncmpcpp through Cygwin. Since just opening the MPD executable it won't recognize my libraries, etc, I have setup some lines of information in a .txt file, and I drag it onto the executable for it to work fine. Is there anyway to implement those lines in the executable, without dragging the .txt file every time I want to open it?

The current lines are:

port                    "6600"
music_directory         "C:/Music"
playlist_directory      "C:/MPD/.mpd/playlists"
db_file                 "C:/MPD/.mpd/mpd.db"
log_file                "C:/MPD/.mpd/mpd.log"

audio_output {
    type                    "winmm"
    name                    "My Windows Device"

Where "music_directory" is the destination of my musics, and all the other lines contains information for the MPD files and the audio output.


Posted 2015-07-08T21:22:25.740

Reputation: 23

1I guess you just need to tell mpd to use configuration file. Dragging the file causes the filename to be passed as an argument to the exe file. You can create a shortcut to the exe and in the shortcut properties you insert the txt config file name after the exe. – Marki555 – 2015-07-08T21:50:54.747

As Marki555 stated you can pass the config via a conf file (your txt-file) to the mpd.exe by adding it as an argument. Also, see the mpd man page! – BigSN – 2015-11-12T08:56:35.587

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