Where do I find the Google Drive icon?


I made a custom link to my Google Drive directory on the Windows 7 Professional application bar. Now I'd like to change that icon, so that it's obvious it's the Google Drive folder.

How do I find the Google Drive icon?


Posted 2015-07-01T14:55:01.800

Reputation: 623

Your question isn't all that clear. Please considering clarify your question. Its not clear if your asking how to simply change the icon of the folder or asking specifically how to select the Google Drive icon. – Ramhound – 2015-07-01T15:05:38.480

1@Ramhound: duDE fix the problem ;) – markzzz – 2015-07-01T15:18:49.290

1Just clarify the question, I want to upvote the question, but I can't upvote questions that are not crystal clear. – Ramhound – 2015-07-01T15:25:54.227



Find the installation folder of Google Drive and the executable googledrivesync.exe (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Drive\googledrivesync.exe).

Right click -> Properties -> Change Icon


Posted 2015-07-01T14:55:01.800

Reputation: 14 097


Since most Windows versions and Windows programs have moved or will move to 64-bit, this icon can now be found here. Take note, the icon displayed on the .exe is (probably) the one you're looking for, but that .exe contains a dozen or so icons if you choose it as a source, just like most do.

C:\Program Files\Google\Drive\googledrivesync.exe

If you happen to still be on a 32-bit system (doubtful), then as duDE said above, it will be:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Drive\googledrivesync.exe

Joshua Richards jr2 0x6A7232

Posted 2015-07-01T14:55:01.800

Reputation: 21