Mysterious blank folder keeps showing up on my desktop



I have a folder with no name on my Windows desktop. The name is literally empty:

enter image description here

I'd like to get rid of this. Oh, easy you say? Well here's where things get interesting. First, if I click on it and hit Delete, it just comes back within a day, like a zombie coming back from the dead.

Okay, great maybe I can hide it or something. Well, if I try to right click on it to modify the folder properties, it becomes clear this isn't actually a real file:

enter image description here

If I select "Create shortcut", nothing happens. If I double click on it to try to open it, nothing happens. What does the actual file system look like, you ask? Nothing:

enter image description here

Any ideas on how to kill this thing once and for all?


Contents of desktop.ini:


Contents of Public folder desktop.ini:


Another Update:

I can Cut the folder and paste it somewhere else on the desktop. If I paste the folder to some other folder on my disk, I get this helpful error:

enter image description here

Mike Christensen

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 3 299

1If you have a look inside desktop.ini you may see the definition of the "folder". This happens after a restart? Or even if you leave the system running? – Julian Knight – 10 years ago

1Try dir /ah C:\Users\Public\Desktop – Steven – 10 years ago

@Steven - Same thing. Just one desktop.ini hidden file (no normal files) – Mike Christensen – 10 years ago

@JulianKnight - Added the contents of both desktop.ini files to the post. – Mike Christensen – 10 years ago

If you "Cut" it, can you paste it someplace else? Have you run a disk check yet (to ensure there's no file-system/disk corruption)? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 10 years ago

Try dir /a against both user and public desktop folders – JosefZ – 10 years ago

try dir /X (also, run cmd.exe as admin). This will show you the auto-generated 8.3 filenames for all files and folders. I made a folder with filename alt+0160 as the filename and dir shows blank, but the 8.3 name is 9dec~1 – Yorik – 10 years ago

@Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 - If I paste the folder somewhere else, I get an error (See updated screen shot above) – Mike Christensen – 10 years ago

I don't believe it is a real folder but rather a Windows Explorer indirection that has gone wrong. Clearly something is recreating it. Have you checked for malware? Anything odd running? – Julian Knight – 10 years ago

@JulianKnight - We use Trend Micro here for viruses, and it says everything is okay. – Mike Christensen – 10 years ago

It looks like it might be an OS search/Office-related product ({138508bc-1e03-49ea-9c8f-ea9e1d05d65d}), possibly a conflict with office 2010 and 2013 (?) – Yorik – 10 years ago

1I don't like to be a naysayer but ... no AV is perfect. You should check manually for odd things running and maybe run some anti-malware checks too. – Julian Knight – 10 years ago



According to this discussion, this issue seems to be related to remnants of an old Microsoft Office 2010 installation.

The fix suggests searching the registry for 138508BC-1E03-49EA-9C8F-EA9E1D05D65D and removing occurrences.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 24 804

2Good catch, +1 from me – Julian Knight – 10 years ago

1Cool, removed a bunch of those keys from the registry. Gonna reboot just to be safe. If it doesn't come back tomorrow, I'll mark this as answered. Thanks! – Mike Christensen – 10 years ago

Welp, it stayed dead. Yay! – Mike Christensen – 10 years ago


Going to


and removing these keys:



appears to have taken care of this bizarre problem.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 101

2Would be nice if what these keys did were documented somewhere. Removing keys with arbitrary/cryptic GUIDs seems scary. – Journeyman Geek – 8 years ago


Had the same error here. Not a folder icon though but an empty file icon.

Did a full system scan for malware / virus: Nothing.

I then deleted the two regdb keys as mentioned in the suggestion/tip above and the problem went away immediately.

Deleted entries

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace{0875DCB6-C686-4243-9432-ADCCF0B9F2D7}] @="Microsoft OneNote Namespace Extension for Windows Desktop Search"

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace{138508bc-1e03-49ea-9c8f-ea9e1d05d65d}] @="MAPI Shell Folder"

Michael Fosgerau

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 1


I also had Office 365 (2015+) click-n-run and Office 2010 installed. Office 365 was uninstalled, Office 2010 is still running on the system. PC running windows 10.

To fix search/run on your PC for


Backup your registry or the class you are editing. I fixed the issue using this solution but you can also remove the key found by trying to move the foder and getting the ID from the error message (as described in the problem description - Another Update) between the curly brackets ::{xx_ID}

In my case the issue was in:


After removing those keys I deleted the icon from desktop and restarted.

The icon is gone.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 101


Please open registry and find this path..


Then find the name without any value. Usually this one {138508BC-1E03-49EA-9C8F-EA9E1D05D65D} has not set any value. Please delete that entry by right-clicking and delete.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 1


1.Uninstall the Microsoft office.

2 Delete the "office" files from C:\ProgramData\Microsoft

3.Rename the the file Microsoft Help as "Microsoft Help.old" from C:\ProgramData

4.Restart the system


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 1